chapter 2 :: Taking Him In

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

My knee bounced up and down nervously; all I was thinking about was the alien guy. I could tell that he was injured by the men who asked for him, and since he looked around my age, it only meant that his spices consider him a toddler like me. He didn't know my language, only adults aliens spoke English.

I was feeling guilty because I could have helped him, he looked pretty harmless. I couldn't even close my eyes and have a good sleep, all I was thinking about was the alien.

It was around 5 AM when I decided to go outside and check if he left or not. The rain was gone, it was dawn. I opened the front door and stepped on the watery mud, nearly slipping. The bat was in my left hand while my right had a small piece of bread. I went to the same place, finding the alien immobile in his place. I could now see him clearly, his pale face, his brown hair sticking in every direction, a gash that was still dripping blood on his cheek. His chest was rising up and down peacefully as he slept. His legs were covered in a black jeans that was torn, he was barefoot and had a black shirt on his upper body.

"Wake up." Nudging the alien with the bar, I spoke loudly. He immediately opened his eyes, a sleepy face expression on his face. His eyes spotted the bat in my hand and he pushed himself away.

"Here." I stuck my hand with the bread to him, wanting to let him know I'm a 'peaceful' human being. He hesitantly made an eye contact with me, debating whether to take the bread or not.

"Are you going to take it or not?" I grew impatient at him, he dropped his gaze to the ground again. Grabbing his hand, I opened his palm and placed the bread in it. He was watching me carefully. I could tell that he haven't seen or been with a human before.

"Are you enjoying the mud and the coldness, because certainly I'm not." I exclaimed, watching as he kept a firm grip on the bread. "Are you stupid?" I snapped, he flinched in result.

I sighed loudly, wanting to help him but at the same time scared or the consequences. Maybe they will think I did this to him, I knew he was probably taken away by some men and got beat up. If they found him like this they would think that I did that to him.

"For god's sake get up before they catch us talking." I got back on my feet, mud covered both of my legs and I shivered. I stuck my hand in front of him, waiting for him to take it and help him stand up.

"Fine, stay here, hope you enjoy the cold weather until bastards find you again and beat the shit out of you." I kicked a few pebbles that was near and turned around, getting tired of the alien not wanting to talk to me. I heard shuffling behind him making me turn around, the alien had stood up and was leaning on the tree. I felt goosebumps in my skin when I noticed how tall he was.

"You're gonna come?" I questioned, sticking my hand one more time. He leaned in and grabbed my hand with his muddy one, he held tightly onto my hand and took a step with his right leg before groaning.

"That's what you get from running away, that's if you ran away." I joked, laughing shortly after. The alien didn't find it funny, instead he focused on walking. His right ankle was busted, he couldn't step on it.

We made it to the cabin, the alien instantly dropped himself to the floor and leaned his head on the wall. I chuckled at his reaction. His hand rubbed his arms, trying to warm himself. The heat was on, it wouldn't take him time to get warmer. I went to grab a wet towel to let him clean himself, but when I returned, he was already asleep leaning on the walls.


I didn't want to go back to sleep even though it was 6 am because I had an alien in my house. I prepared breakfast for myself, scrambled eggs with bacon and a stack of pancakes. The alien was still out cold. I had cleaned his face with the wet towel from the mud and his arms so he wouldn't stain everything he touched.

I nudged his shoulder, waking him up from what seemed like comfortable sleep on the floor. He looked around then set his gaze to the floor, shying away again. I placed a pancake on a plate and poured on it chocolate sauce, I cut a small piece using the knife then stabbed the fork in the piece of pancake. I approached it in front of him, he crossed his eyes seeing it. Before he could move his face, I shoved the piece of pancake in his mouth and took back the fork. The aliens eyes wandered around my house as his mouth started to chew my pancakes. After he swallowed the pancake, he opened his mouth, wanting more. I shook my head.

"Get up." I stood up holding the plate. He followed my movement and stood up too, leaning on me for support. He limped following me to the bathroom. I pointed to the bathtub, then pointed to the fresh clothes I left for him on the counter. I turned on the water on hot and made sure it was warm enough then left him to do the rest.

The alien came out later with the gray oversized shirt that belonged to my dad, the pants were the right size because he was tall. I grabbed the bat and gestured with my hand for him to come to the living room. He limped towards me then his eyes were set on the pancakes. I pointed to the chair, I wanted to know what he is doing here.

"Sit." I demanded, he listened to me and sat on the chair. His mouth opened for the second time, wanting me to give him food. I shook my head in dismiss.

"Leg up." I sat on the coffee table in front of the chair and set the plate next to me. He looked at me helplessly, a cute pout appearing on his face.

"Fine then, you can eat then you will go wherever you came from, deal?" I handed him the plate with the pancakes and chocolate sauce poured on them. I set it on his lap and have him the fork. After staring at it for a few seconds, he let go of the fork and began eating with his hands. I cringed when he grabbed the pancake with his fingers, shoving it in his mouth hungrily. I kept staring at him awkwardly, waiting for him to finish.

"If your people do any harm to me or my family, I will haunt your ass and you don't want to know what's going to happen to you." I threatened, I wanted him to know that I was serious. "Do you have a name?" I asked boringly, watching as he stuff his mouth with pancakes and chewing them non-stop. He was soon done with them, I extended my arm to take the plate from him but instead, he slapped my arm.

"What the heck?" I spoke, close to yelling at him for slapping my arm. "Why would you do that, I was nice to you!" I exclaimed, snatching the plate from him before he breaks it. He shot me an innocent expression and stayed silent. His innocent facial expression was so funny, it was like he was pretending to be nice but he was a bad guy on the inside.

"Get out." I ran to the door and opened it, I pointed towards it and looked at the guy. He limped toward me, I sighed in relaxation, I was finally getting rid of him. He stopped in front of me and dropped to his knees, both of his arms were placed around my legs and he kept holding onto them for his dear life.

I slammed the door shut. "fine. Stay."

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