chapter 20 :: Not Going Anywhere

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

It seemed like the matter of minutes to me when I started to become aware again, I was able to move my fingers first and feel my whole body. It was a hard task to open my eyes, I couldn't hear well neither so I waited. I was so scared, I never passed out in my life and I have never been shot before.

“Sam...” I heard a voice, I couldn't hear clearly but someone was calling my name. “Sis,” the same voice spoke, I realized it was my brother. I parted my lips to speak but my tongue felt very heavy.

“B–Brody?” I stuttered, finally able to move my tongue and speak. I probably sounded like a drunk person but that's not important. I felt Brody's hand clutch mine and his voice again spoke.

“Open your eyes.” He spoke with a soothing tone. I waited until I was able to open them, and I did successfully. I was met by the face of Brody and his red rimmed eyes. I looked around the pristine white room, my mind still not functioning properly.

“Where am I?” I asked, rubbing my heavy eyes.

Brody smiled. “The hospital.” He replied, scratching his cheek. “A bullet grazed your foot so I had to take you to the hospital.” For some reason, Brody sounded like he genuinely cares about me, which he had never done before.

“I, uh, Justin oh my Gosh, where is he?” I questioned, trying to push myself to an upright position but I felt too weak. Or in other words, too lazy to function.

“This hospital refuses to treat aliens in any sort of way. All I know is that his dad was searching for a hospital that would treat him, when I left he was still there.” Brody explained, it literally broke my heart even more. “How are you feeling? You scared me to death when you passed out Sam.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “I'm fine, I need to see if they found a hospital, where is my phone?” I searched around the room with my eyes, I couldn't find anything. My eyes fell on the light blue gown that I was wearing, making me freak out even more. “Who changed me?” I asked, my face flushing a deep red.

“I did,” Brody replied, shifting on his seat. “I didn't trust anyone here.”

My head turned to the door when it squeaked, then someone stepped in. My lips curled in a forced smile when I saw Morgan with a balloon and a bag.

“Hello darling,” Morgan tilted her head to the side, setting her stuff down on a table. “How are you? I was so worried about you.”

“I'm fine, still a little loopy though.” I answered, looking at my bandaged foot. “I just want to know where is Justin right now, I’m more worried about him.”

Morgan tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. “Hospitals don't treat aliens honey, he probably had to go somewhere else.”

“I want to get out of here, can't I be released yet?” I asked, turning to Brody.

He stood up. “Let me go get a doctor.”

It took the doctor an hour and a half to show up and tell me I can get released, then another two hours to get the release forms that needed to be signed. It was now night and I realized that I wasn't going to be able to reach Justin before the next day.

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