chapter 6 :: Very Important Person

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

After a long talk with the wise Morgan, she said that the aliens ankle was definitely sprained, she bandaged it up temporarily thinking it might heal. She gave me a book about aliens of his kind, I took it gratefully then went to get my groceries. Surprisingly, Justin was still plastered to me. He couldn't walk properly but he still insisted on going everywhere I went.

"You have a nice name." I told Justin, pushing the cart in the grocery store, I heard Justin exhale loudly and limp next to me as we walked.

I purchased some meat steaks, a bunch of frozen food, four different kinds of cereal, some milk, everything I needed for the week. I was about to go pay at the cashier but I didn't find Justin behind me.

"For gods sake." I groaned in annoyance, searching in the entire store. A wave of relief rushed through me when I saw him sitting on the floor, a jar of Nutella open in front of him and his hand and face were stained with Nutella. I awed at him, walking toward him to take him home.

"Give me that." I ordered him, then took it from him against his will. I pulled him up and he stared at me with his big puppy eyes. I laughed it off and went to the cashier. I apologized for Justin eating in the store and bought the Nutella. After I had paid.

While the cashier lady was putting my stuff that I've bought in bags, I heard her speak a language that I've recognized. She talked quickly to a man that was passing by and continued placing the groceries into the bags. I stared at her – yes, she didn'tnotice – and I found out that she was wearing blue eye contact, covering her silver shapes but they were still visible.

“That would be 89.55.” She smiled at me, then her eyes darted to Justin. It was like if she had seen a miracle in front of her; her eyes widened at him and a few words in her language slipped. Her mouth was in the shape of an 'O' as she spoke to Justin.

“What the heck?” I whispered, glancing at Justin who was still behind me. The cashier lady said something that made Justin chuckle, now I feel like a third wheeler.

“How come you work for humans?” I asked as I handed her the money.

“Oops, busted.” She laughed. “In this area nobody really cares about anything, there are a lot of aliens working in shops around here too.” The lady alien explained to me, then she pointed at Justin. “You babysittin' him?” She asked with an accent. “I bet it's hard for a human to babysit someone important like him, his dad is one of the most powerful aliens––” I stopped her before she could continue.

“Who's his dad.”

“He's a General.” The lady replied. “You're not supposed to know that.” She said carelessly, biting on her nails. “Just...don't get us in trouble. We're good, we've been working here for months and no one has found out. Let's keep it this way, okay?”

I nodded, still starstruck. “Yeah sure.”


I grabbed all the grocery bags and walked back with Justin to the cabin. The minute I opened the door, he limped quickly inside to his favorite chair and curled in a ball. I was still surprised and couldn't believe that Justin was the son of someone important. If they ever find him with me, they will kill me and everyone I know. But he's the General's son, meaning that he can talk him through and convince him not to murder me or my family. Besides, he's the one who won't get out anyways.

"You love that chair, don't you." I chuckled at his reaction; he scrunched his face and hugged his knees closer. I put the bags in the kitchen then returned to him, interested in him way too much.

"Justin," I called him and surprisingly, he responded to his name. "I know you're a sneaky alien by the way." he smiled a little, he understood every single word I said. Yet, he didn't talk to me. He didn't talk back to the alien lady, so I guess he was just quiet.

"I'm going to take a shower." I announced to him, heading to the bathroom. I heard his footsteps against the floor and he beat me to the bathroom limping. He closed the lid, sat on the toilet and lifted both arms up.

"I said will take a shower, not you." I rolled my eyes at him, a grin appeared on his face, still not moving his arms. "Get out of the bathroom, Justin." I demanded firmly, I wanted to just take a damn shower.

"Justin!" I raised my voice, almost gelling. He frowned, a puppy expression on his face. "Fine, come on." I grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. Hopefully, he won't keep up with this attitude. I turned the faucet on and changed it to warm, filling the tub. I poured some bubble soap so he would be covered up. I un-bandaged his ankle, I didn't have any other bandage and I didn't want his to get wet.

"Justin take off your pants while I go get something." I excused myself, waiting for him to nod. He didn't. “I don't want to be traumatized by your downstairs department so I can't help you.” I cracked at my own lame joke, I've lived in this cabin for so long and I guess I’m slowly losing my sanity. I just closed the bathroom door and waited outside until I heard the splash of water. I entered again to find him sitting in the tub looking completely relaxed. The water was up to his neck, he was slouched down.

Grabbing the shampoo, I poured some in the palm of my hand then lathered it in his hair. It took me a few minutes for the shampoo to clean his hair, it seems like he hasn't taken a shower in weeks.

"Tilt your head back for me." I told him and he thankfully obeyed, I grabbed the shower spray and turned the water on, letting it spray his hair to get rid of the shampoo. I turned around to grab a fresh bar of soap then I heard him moving, I turned my head back to him to find out he stood up, I was in face with his crotch. My eyes widened and I froze for a second, doesn't he have any dignity?

I quickly snatched the towel from the rack and placed it around his waist. I handed him the same clothes he was wearing and he nodded.

Walking outside to the kitchen, I grabbed four pieces of toast, peanut butter and jam. I made two sandwiches for us then headed to the living room. Justin was on his chair, his wet strands were covering his forehead or sticking everywhere, and he thankfully looked sleepy. I sat on the couch next to the chair and handed him the strawberry jam sandwich. He snatched it from my hand and took quite big bite from the sandwich. He chewed on it then suddenly, he dropped it to the floor and seemed to be choking on something.


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