chapter 17 :: The Prison

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

“Make sure to distract them Linda, just distract them while I go inside.” I explained to Linda, who was willing to help me sneak inside the place where they held Justin captive. Linda nodded, biting on her bottom lips nervously.

I promised Justin's dad I would go and tell Justin that he's coming to get him, and I didn't want to break that promise. His dad sounded like a serious, strict man and I didn't want to disobey him. Besides that, I wasn't going to stop from trying to get them to leave Justin alone.

I found the underground place where their little 'prison' was. I waited until it was nearly midnight, only an agent dressed in all black was inside. I was spying on them from a little window, they couldn't see me from there.

“Okay, I’m going in.” I informed Linda, who responded by a nod of her head and started to walk toward the door of that underground place. I heard her knocking on the door, startling the agent and making him walk to the door.

The moment he opened the door, I quickly pushed the rest of the window open and dangled my leg. It was big enough for a small person, I was stuck but I managed to jump inside the place without a single noise. I landed on my feet swiftly and quickly hid behind a desk. I gave Linda a thumbs up before turning to the only door that I found. Pushing it open, I stepped in a very dark room and closed it after me.

Thankfully, I had my iPhone with me and I was able to use the camera flash as a flash light. When I was able to see, my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. The room was a huge rectangular hallway, little prison cells on each side. The room barely had any window and it was hard to breathe.

I pointed the light to the first cell to see what looked like another alien teenager, his wrist were handcuffed and he had a metal collar on his neck, both his arms and his neck were chained together so he wouldn't be able to let his arms in their normal place on his side. When I flashed the light on his face, I couldn't help but stare at his green eyes with fading silver lines and shapes. His lips parted to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth.

I swallowed the knot that formed in my throat, moving to the cell across from him. Another guy was standing while leaning on the bars of the cells. He was cuffed like the first one but he looked a little alive.

“What is this?” I whispered to him, he didn't move or speak, his eyes fixed on me. “You speak English?” I spoke in another whisper, getting no response from him. I extended my arm to touch the guy but suddenly, he flinched and a shock of electricity ran through his body. He dropped on his ground unconscious, leaving me in tears.

I backed away from the cells and started walking fast on my tip toes to find Justin's cell, all I found was weak teenager boys, they were all Dannels because they had the same silver shapes as Justin. When I stopped at the last one, I dropped my phone and a gasp escaped my mouth.

The door opened because of my phone falling and the agent stepped inside. “Fucking weak assholes.” He muttered, scoffed then exited the place again. I grabbed my already-broken iPhone, thankfully the flashlight didn't stop working. I set it on the figure of Justin, noticing that he was awake with his body sprawled on the dirty floor.

Justin.” I whispered, my hands getting shakier. I didn't think they would be so cruel, I thought they wouldn't kill him, I thought they held the hostages for ransom but no, it seemed like they held them for their own entertainment. I couldn't believe how a human being can be so cruel.

“I'm sorry.” I felt silent tears escape my eyes, giving him a sorrowful look. “I–I can't believe this.” I wiped my eyes, leaning closer to the bars. Justin was on the far side of the wall, I couldn't even reach him.

“Your dad Justin is coming to get you, he's flying to the US to help you.” I spoke to him in a soothing voice. “I'm sorry, I’m so sorry.” I apologized again, just wanting to touch him and kill myself for trusting Robert.

Whimpering, Justin sat up, getting an electric shock immediately. A quiet sob escaped my lips as I watched his eyes collect tears. The electricity was so strong that it made a light. He shut his eyes closed then stood up, getting another electricity shock.

“Justin, stop.” I whimpered, not baring to see him in pain or suffering. He kept his eyes shut and for the third time, he threw himself near the bars, getting a painful land on the floor and hitting his head on the bars.

For the second time, the agent came inside fuming with anger. I heard his loud footsteps and he suddenly stopped.

“If I hear one of you again, I will fucking hang all of you upside down.” He spat then walked out.

Justin loudly breathed, leaning his head against the bars. He was worn out because of the shocks, I was still crying and a mess. I turned the flashlight on again to pointed in to the ceiling so it wouldn't hurt his eyes.

“I p-promise you will be out of here by tomorrow.” I said, touching his cold face. Colors were drained out of his body like all the other teenagers here. “I will do everything to get you out of here, I promise.” I assured him, running my head through his hair. His lips twitched in a weak smile as he closed his eyes.

“Daddy,” He whispered, still his eyes closed. “Love him, say.” He was out of breath. “To him.”

“He will save you, you will be okay.” I reassured him sniffling. “Baby don't move a lot.” I told him, he shut his eyes and accidentally nodded.

Ah.” He screamed, the shock making him lose consciousness this time.

I stood up and backed away a few steps, until I reached what felt like a wall, but it wasn't. I heard a man's grunt, making me turn around to see the agent's face.

“I knew someone was here.” He rasped, holding my shoulder tightly, bruising the area there. “You wanna join him? It would be a delight to see another one captured.” He threatened.

“I'm not an alien.” I pushed his filthy hands off my shoulder. “You said you wouldn't hurt him,” I hit the man's shoulder. “You're all nothing but monsters, weak pathetic creatures.” I insulted him, only getting a laugh from him.

“You think you will stop us from doing anything?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “We do this for living sweetheart, also for revenge if that counts.”

I gave him a death glare and walked passed him, surprisingly, he didn't stop me from walking outside. I knew they weren't interested in hurting me or any human in general, they just had the hatred in their hearts for aliens only. I walked outside the 'prison' and Linda was no where in sight. 

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