chapter 22 :: Strawberries, Again

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

“Sam.” I turned my head to the right where Justin sat in the car. He was leaning on his elbows that were on his knees so he wouldn't have to make the car seat touch his back. I noticed how he barely let anything touch his back but that only gave him more discomfort.

“Yeah?” I replied, my eyes fixed on his.

“Can I lay down?” Justin asked, arching his back and groaning in discomfort. I nodded while giggling, he always made funny noises while he was in pain or just annoyed. He dropped his head on my lap, the side of his head was facing me.

The car pulled in front of the cabin and I was too tired to do anything. Besides, Justin's head made my thigh numb for some reason and he wasn't getting up.

“Justin.” I rolled my eyes, trying to push him up without touching a place where it would hurt him.

“What if,” he spoke suddenly. “What if I don't want to get up?”

I tilted my head to the side. “That is not an option baby.”

He scrunched his face in confusion. “Why do you call me baby?”

I felt my cheeks heat up at his comment, he always either smiled or blushed when I called him that and he never minded. I cleared my throat, trying to find an answer.

“I like calling you that.” I admitted, getting a smile from him in response. He stayed silent for a bit before removing his head from my lap. He opened the door and got out of the car, I did the same and watched as the driver drove the car away leaving us in front of the cabin.

“Wanna go to the hot springs again?” I suggested, Justin shrugged, his eyes wandering all around the place.

“You can't, your feet.” He reminded me, I groaned and rubbed my chin thinking about something else. “Go inside and eat?” A smirk appeared on his face, Axel forced him to eat just salad and Morgan and I kept laughing because it was funny to see.

“Are you always hungry?” Justin nodded eagerly, storming toward the house. I laughed and limped my way to the house. I heard something drop inside and I forgot that Brody was probably inside, oh uh. I tried to limp inside as fast as I could to see Brody just standing in the living room while Justin was on the floor, frozen in his place.

“I didn't do anything.” Brody lifted his hands in the air and I nodded to him, he sighed and sat back down then turned to his laptop. Justin's eyes were widened and he just didn't move.

“He won't do anything, I promise. If he does anything, I will bite his ass don't worry.” I assured Justin, still finding a problem in hugging him and touch him.

Breathing heavily, Justin looked up to me. “He...he.” He hyperventilated, his eyes darting fixed on Brody. I dropped myself on the floor next to him–careful not to hit my leg on the floor–and waited for him to calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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