chapter 5 :: Tea Time

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

A day later after I yelled at Justin and, I found that he became frightened of me. Frightened. For some reasons, he kept his body curled in a ball as he shook, tears filling his eyes. I did offer him to eat with me, and he didn't eat anything since breakfast the other day. I was low on food so I decided to go buy them from the grocery store. I put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, I let my hair down and walked to the living room where the alien sat terrified of what I will do.

"I'm going to buy food, and you're coming with me." I demanded sternly, he slouched more on my chair. He hid his face in his knees and shielded himself with his arms.

"Please? I've got to go buy some food, I don't have anything left except canned beans and they don't taste well." My voice softened when I realized he was going to have a heart attack pretty soon because he was terrified of me.

“Are you bipolar? You seemed pretty confident when you spoke to me yesterday and now you're just hiding from me.” I stated, smiling a little. “I can see ya', you know?” I approached him and out my hand delicately on his back, I moved my thumb finger up and down slowly trying to help him calm down.

“Are you having a breakdown? What's going on? You were fine yesterday.”

The alien's head rose up slowly, thinking whether it was safe for him or not. His eyes were swollen from all the crying he has done overnight. His nose was runny too. Grabbing a tissue from the coffee table, I wiped his nose with it. His eyes were following my every movement, as if I was a threat to him.

"I will get you ice cream, you know what that is?" I tried to bribe but failed, I knew he was scared of me. His legs were bent under him as he sat so I placed my hand on his thighs and pulled his legs from under him. I pulled him up by his waist and he successfully stood up on his legs. I intertwined my fingers with his and took a step, he jumped on his leg and leaned on me for support. It was clear that his ankle hurt him.


After exactly one hour, we made it to the small grocery shop in the forest, the owner of it was an old kind man. I had out shades on Justin's eyes so no one would recognize him. The old man, named Patrick, looked at me then at the alien next to me.

"Hi Patrick." I greeted, I was used to calling him by his first name.

"Welcome, Sam." He said uneasily. "You've got company."

I nodded and looked at the alien who was interested in everything in the grocery store. "Yeah," I replied, I trusted him to tell him about the alien. "He's an alien actually, he showed up injured in front of my cabin a few days ago, I think people were after him." I explained to Patrick.

"Would you like to have some tea with my wife? She might be interested in him, she has been doing researches about aliens for a long time." Patrick offered, and I accept nicely. His house was next to the grocery store, it was a ten minutes walk with the alien since he was limping. Patrick's wife greeted us in and we went to the living room. The alien was tugging on my shirt, his hands started shaking badly again.

"Morgan, Sam found this alien in front of her cabin–" Before he could continue, Morgan's eyes widened at the alien who was plastered to my side.

"Oh!" she beamed, walking toward us. The alien pulled his feet to his chest instantly, hiding his head behind me this time. Morgans eyebrows raised.

"He looks young." She commented, sitting next to him.

"Is it true they treat teenagers like me like babies?" I questioned, trying to push the alien from behind me where he was hiding.

"Yes, of course!" Morgan replied. "They live up to 200 years, they become adults at the age of 50, it's completely different." Morgan explained, trying to take a hold of the alien. I turned around and pushed him to help her, and once she got a hold of him, she grabbed his head and forcefully pushed it down on her lap.

"They usually have their information inked on the back of their neck." She explained what she was going. "Aha, there it is." She pointed to a bruised area on the back of his neck. The ink wasn't visible because of his blueish bruised skin. It had symbols and weird letters that I couldn't read.

"It's in their language?"

"Yeah, his name is written and his birth date." Grabbing a pen and a paper, she wrote down what was on his skin on the paper and left the room. The alien returned to his old positions, behind me.

"I think you should turn him in." Patrick suggested, taking a sip of the tea.

"But they will think I injured him, I would get into more trouble." I admitted, taking the mug of the tea.
Morgan returned, this time wearing her reading glasses. She sat opposite from me and the alien.

"Okay, I translated the letters, his name is Justin." Morgan said, I felt Justin twitch when he heard his name. "He was born in 1994, he's only 19, pretty young according to them." she informed, setting the paper down. "He's obviously a male." Morgan chuckled, so did I. "His biologic parents and his last name aren't inked, I wonder why."

Patrick chimed in. "Orphan maybe?"

"Probably, yeah." She nodded. "I know his kind are strong and brave, even in their youth, but this seems to be more on the shy side." Morgan stared at his body that wasn't hidden. So there were different kinds of aliens, I didn't notice that.

“His father looks familiar though.” Morgan rubbed her chin as she thought deeply. “I don't know him, but I've seen him before.”

"His ankle is looking weird, can you look at it?" I asked Morgan nicely, and she accepted.

"Patrick get me the first aid kit." She told him, Patrick obeyed and went to get the first aid kit. I stood up so Morgan can look at him clearly. He even hid away from her and buried his face in the cushions. Morgan grabbed his ankle and pushed the leg of his pants so she can examine it.

"That looks nasty." She commented, touching swollen areas in his ankle. Justin, the alien, whimpered and tried to pull his legs but Morgan had a firm grip on it.

Looks like he's going to stay for a while. A long while.

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