chapter 19 :: Us Against Them

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[Samantha's Point Of View]

My feet pushed the ground as I ran as fast as I could, The Red Square was at least 13 miles away from the cabin in the woods. Tears were streaming down my face, my legs muscles were tightening from the fear. I was frightened to say the least, I didn't know what to expect.

“I think I see a crowd.” I heard Lola's voice say, stopping me from running and pointing to a huge crowd standing. “Let's go there.” She instructed and started running toward the crowd. Aliens were fast runners, that's why she reached the crowd first.

A scream echoed in the air, getting a cheer from the crowd instantly. There were at least 500 people standing, all humans. Lola started pushing her way through humans, I went after her. We kept pushing people to the side––and even got a few cussing at us––until we reached the first line of people.

“Well well well, another alien decided to join us.”

For a minute, I could hear people speak but when I saw what's in front of me, it was like everything became blurry. People would move their mouths to speak, I couldn't hear anything, it was just the movement of their mouths that I saw.

It was like there was a slow motion, but my eyes were settled on one thing, the whip that was held by an agent. My eyes darted from the whip to someone who was chained to a pole, their back facing the crowd. Dark red slashes covered their back, and I felt like I couldn't breathe when I realized that it was Justin.

“No!” I screamed, pushing the agents that kept the crowd far from the pole and Justin. I was pushed back by them and I heard laughter. I looked next to me, trying to find Lola but found out that she was only taken by the agents. Two agents were holding her arms and pushing her away to take her somewhere.

“Don't!” I kicked the crotch of the agent in front of me, he doubled over in pain and dropped to the ground, giving me a space to run. I was halfway to the pole when I heard the clicking of guns. Turning around, I saw Robert and about other 10 agents pointing the gun at Justin, not me.

“I see you got my message.” Robert spoke, making me turn to him. “That brother of yours is very loyal.” My mouth dropped in shock when Brody pushed through the crowd and walked to Robert. He placed his arm on Robert's shoulder giving him a pat with a smirk.

“Why would you do this, Brody!” I screamed, my heart racing in my chest. Not only because Justin's life was at risk, but also because my own brother was betraying me.

Robert cleared his throat. “You don't get it, do you Sam?” He asked, shaking his head in disapproval. “It's us against them. They don't belong here, they're just pathetic invaders and we have every damn right to murder them all. This is our land, not theirs!” He spat, his voice raising at the end.

I turned my head around to Justin, calling his name. When he was about to turn his head, the agent holding the whip swung it and hit it so rough on his back, making another red line on his back. I let out a sob, it was my fault. I should have protected him, kept him safe at home but I failed.

You are the pathetic ones, how could you do this to anyone? You said no one would get hurt if you take him, you did and now you're torturing him.” I yelled, gathering my courage.

Robert and Brody began to laugh, then the whole crowd joined them. I didn't find this funny, they're nothing more than monsters. I wiped my face with the sleeve of my shirt.

“Are you done?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. They stopped laughing, surprised that I spoke again.

“You do realize that whether we stop whipping him or not he will die anyways? No need for heroic actions.”

The agent was about the swing the whip again but I quickly stepped in front of Justin, making him hit the whip on my stomach without realizing it he was hitting me. I crouched in pain, it stung so bad. I heard a few gasps.

“Sam!” I heard Brody's voice as he approached me. He touched my shoulder but I pushed him back.

“Don't touch me.” I warned in pain, clutching my stomach in pain.

“Don't do this shit Sam, he's an alien, it's not worth it.” Brody's voice softened as he tried to make me walk away and leave them to kill Justin.

“Don't speak to me Brody.”

I heard him sigh. Lifting his shirt up, he showed me that he had a gun. Brody's eyes darted between me and the agents.

“If you shoot Robert, the rest will run away.” He whispered, helping me. “But they might shoot back, be careful and quick.”

I nodded, grabbing the gun slowly so they wouldn't suspect a thing. Brody shielded me with his body so they wouldn't see me. In a quick movement, I stood up and aimed the gun at Robert. I pulled the trigger, the bullet darted from the gun to Robert's shoulder instantly, sending him flying to the ground. That's when hell broke loose. Bullets were flying everywhere, people were running and screaming. The agents started running, wanting to kill Justin before they run away.

I quickly ran to the pole where Justin's hands were tied, he wasn't even awake. I shook his shoulder, looking at his pale face.

“Justin, it's me.” I whispered, watching as he fluttered his eyes while they were still closed. I realized that he couldn't open his eyes because of the amount of blood that he lost, but I knew he was still awake.

“Don't move your arms baby okay? I will shoot the chains.” I pointed the gun to the chains, careful not to hurt him and pulled the trigger. The chains broke and his body dropped to the side. I was about to stand up to pull him into safety but I felt something hit my ankle, a bullet.

I've never been shot before, yet I didn't feel any pain. Before I blacked out, which was from the frightment and not the pain, I could hear my brother calling me then I heard a deep raspy voice, thanking me for what I did. After that, I only saw black.

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