I polished an old OC 😂😂

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Name: Sebastian Helios Croitoru

Name meaning: Sebastian is a masculine name meaning "from Sebastia" and is a greek translation of the title "Augustus", her middle name comes from Greek mythology as it's the name of the sun titan, which means "Sun", her family name is a occupational surname meaning "tailor" in Romanian. When you combine her first and middle name it can mean "Sun Augustus"

Age: 11 (First year)

Birthday: January 24 2006

Blood status: Half-blood

Family: Arthur Croitoru (Father), Katherina Steiner (Mother) Margaret Croitoru (Twin sister), Alexander Croitoru (Older half-brother), 12 unnamed half-brothers, Eric Chrysopelex (Paternal Uncle), Phoebe Chrysopelex Optimus Maximus (Half-cousin)

Wand: Blackthorn 9" dragon heart string

Appearance: Sebastian has brown hair, intense blue eyes and slightly tan skin. Her hair is dyed various shades of blue and changes styles as she grows up, from ages 9-13 it's medium length, 13-14 it's cut in a blunt bob, and 14-18 it's cut in a stylish undercut. Sebastian stands about 5'8" with a medium build, her left foot is missing due to it being cut off, and she has a scar on the left side of her ribcage, a result of almost being stabbed. She wears a standard Hogwarts uniform for the Gryffindor house, with the robe altered to be more durable and a pocket for her to hide snacks and for her cat.

Personality: Sebastian has this kind "can-beat-you-when-she-wants-to" personality she can be sarcastic, street-wise, defensive and tomboyish. She is described as being, a reliable older sister type, the manliest child of the Croitoru family, and being very scary when angered, having once gotten into a fight with a thug and won after swinging an axe at him. Sebastian is shown to have PTSD after she was kidnapped, by the serial killer Tempest, and she got her foot cut off with a chainsaw, which requires her to have a service animal with her, in the form of her owl and cat.

Likes- Fried cheese, K-pop, 90s anime, dark chocolate, pickles
Dislikes- Tomatoes, anything with artificial tropical fruit taste

Abilities: Sebastian is completely and utterly flashy with her spells, and with her wand she is more suited for combat based magic, she is also excellent at non-magic combat as she's won fights against muggles who pick fights with her. She is awful at potions which she considers ironic as she's the best cook in her house, Alexander also states she's good at horseback riding and doing archery while on the move, as he taught her.

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