Hair questions

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Zeus: *Combing my hair* What's the first question people ask you when they touch your hair?

Me: From my personal experience? Well white people they ask what do I do with it, black people don't ask questions, hispanic/latino people ask if I dye my hair and Asian people ask if I'm Cambodian

Zeus: What?

Me: Asian people touch my hair and ask if I'm Cambodian

Zeus: What do you say?

Me: "How did you know?" Then they say "you have a lot of hair, so I knew you had to be Cambodian"

Zeus:......Do Cambodians have a lot of hair?

Me: We do. I saw a picture of my dad when he was younger, his hair was so thick it put a afro to shame

Zeus:......Well damn

Me: Yeah I'm being hunted by weave companies for my hair ;7;

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