- chapter 1 -

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( before I start this I want to say this is my first fanfic and it will be very bad,  just deal with how bad it is please😂😅)
Danielle's POV
    I wake up with the nastiest taste in my mouth, I look over to my bed stand to see Advil and water I had prepared the day before.

I had a raging headache and I couldn't help but take them. I got out of bed to see my phone on the floor. I pick it up and I had a text.

Jackie😂- hey, you said you are coming to the house today?

Dani- yea let me get dressed and I'll be there in 30!

Jackie😂- alright, the other boys are excited to meet you.

Dani- tell them thanks I guess.

I left my phone sitting on my bed and got out of bed. I went and took a shower, came out to brush my teeth and put on only eye liner and false lashes with some mascara. I got on a "why don't we" sweatshirt that I cut to be a crop top. Put on some high wasted shorts and some white converse. "Thank god I shaved my legs yesterday" I whispered to myself. I grab my bags knowing I will stay there about 2 weeks or so.

I get in my car with everything in the trunk and start driving.

After car ride

We get into the drive way and holy shit it's huge. My house was like 2x smaller. I knock on the door and see a boy with messy hair open the door. "Welcome to the house!" He said. He smiled. " I'm Corbyn the only boy in the house you can't hook up with" he said and winked. "Don't worry I won't hook up with you, your girlfriend is very nice you are a lucky man."
"Thank you!" Corbyn said and let me walk in.
"JACKIIEE!!!!" I scream and hug him. "Hey Danielle" he says as I squish him like he's a squeaky toy. "I missed you even though your an ass" I said smiling. "Let my brothers introduce them selfs!" He says pulling me away from the kitchen.

"Hello I'm Jonah the oldest in the group! " he was hot, but then again I want to see him for a day atleast.

"Heyyyy I'm Daniel, you know me from Snapchat! ". He has amazing eyes, and A cute tooth gap. "Yea! You and jack slap each other for fun! I might join in on that". I say then wink.
"Since I know Corbyn I think the last is you"
I point to a boy with brown hair and rosey cheeks.

"Oh hey I'm Zach, I'm the youngest in the group, I'm 16." He says and gives me a look then goes back down to his phone.

"Jonah, how old are you?" I ask. "Oh I'm nineteen!" He replies and sits next to me. "Also I'm jacks older sister so I'm 18, so I'm not the oldest. I kinda wish I was so I could push you around but I guess you and Corbyn won't be pushed around." I say and everyone chuckles.

"Poor me, I'm the youngest" zach says. "Don't worry zach, jack will get the worst of it." I laugh as I reply and mess with his hair.

I go upstairs and take my stuff finally. The guest room was nice, my own bathroom too. I sit down and get out my phone and post on instagram "Finally here and I feel at home already". With a selfie of me with the cat filter.

I go back down stairs and see everyone about to come upstairs to get ready. I was ready so I sat in the living room with my phone.

"Dani! We are going to the beach so put on your bathing suit! ". Jack yelled then shut the door.

"Could have told me earlier." I whisper to myself and walk up stairs. I get my bikini out and start to feel confident. I have a simi curvy body and this suit matches me well. If I want any of these boys this will grab there attention.

Walking down the steps I go to the kitchen and raid the fridge. I get the feeling of hyper coming over me and I grab a pan and a wooden spoon. I start screaming " MY NAMES DANIELLE AVERY AND THIS A ROBBERY!" In a song like rhythm.

Zach comes down in his suit along with Corbyn and Jack. "WTF ARE YOU DOING?" Screams jack and Corbyn. But Zach comes down and grabs a pan and another wooden spoon.

He yells " MY NAMES ZACH HERRON AND THIS IS A ROBBERY!" Same rhythm as me. I get tired and stop then laugh while crouching on the floor dying of laughter. Zach stops and does the same. "Thank god that stoped." Said jack and Daniel At the same time. Daniel had just come down the stairs as we stopped.

I look at Zach and say "wow that was fun. I like the most so far" I wink after I said. " yea same here and I know I'm really cool" he winks back.

"ZACH!! " scram jack. " JACK SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I scram back because I knew what he was going to say. Before he could respond I ran over to him and tAckle him while covering his mouth. I whisper to him "I can flirt with anyone I want and if I hook up with him
Then you should feel blessed. " I get off of him and fling my hair over my shoulder being funny and they all laugh accept jack.

"Yea what ever she said jack!" Zach came up to my side and put his arm around my shoulder. "Ok well I feel blessed then cause I know when my sister wanna smash someone!" He says and runs knowing that I would chase him.

"JAAAACKK!!" I scream and run away from Zach grab a wooden spoon and chase jack. "DANIEL JONAH HELPP!!" Jack screams.

I turn around and see Jonah coming to save him but I tAckle jack before he could be saved and slap on the chest with the wooden spoon and then kiss is forehead as a act of forfeit so he can't chase me. "Love you Jackie!" I say and walk over to Zach only inches from his face. "FYI I do like you and jack is totally right. " I shove Zach on the couch and sit down and touch his chest since they are all shirtless in there trunks.

"Oh ok. Umm-" Zach says and I put my finger in his mouth so he can't talk. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh I need to touch you chest it's fine".

"Have fun with her Zach! Well let's go to the beach now shall we!" Says jack. We all jump
And say "yeeeaa" we get into my car and Jonah drives us.

I hope this is ok! I don't know still sooo yea! I think I'm going to write a lot of chapters today. But I have to work which is great. Anyways see ya thanks for reading!!

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