- chapter 6 -

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Thank you so much for 50 reads 😂 I can't believe people actually find this interesting! I love you all aaaaa! If you have any ideas you can dm me and I'll see if I like it 😏

Danielle's POV

We all had a mini dance party after that Daniel and the whole band started singing songs and making remixes on the spot. Since I'm not to bad at singing I would jump in ever so often. So would Logan.

Then Daniel started strumming "idfc" on his guitar. I loved that song so I knew all the words. "Tell me pretty lies, look me
In the face tell me that you love me ever if it's fake. " I sing and the rest of us say " cause I don't fucking care, at all." And then we continued until we were done.

"Wow, Danielle you can sing really good! " said Logan and the rest of the boys nodded there head agreeing. "Well if jack can sing I should be able to sing." I say and then continue "if I had to do something besides drawing art I would sing." The boys look in shock. "I mean I would love to do both at the same time. But that's hard even though it is good money." Daniel starts to talk. "Well if you really want to you should post covers with us and try and get someone interested in signing you! I understand you love to draw, you could draw your covers if you get signed!" He continued and he starts to persuade me. "Plus you could animate or draw music videos! That's both mixed!"

I was surprised I haven't thought of that. "Omg thank you Daniel! I think I will do that then. Next cover of mashup I wanna do with you guys!" I'm excited to I start to dance around.

"And if you do get signed we can collaborate! That would be amazing!" Said jack with sparkles in his eyes.

"Also you could write songs With me, we would be a savage team." Logan says getting pumped up.

All a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I fall to the ground. "SHIITT FUCK OOOUUCHH!" When I was dancing I landed on my ankle wrong, great.

"Omg!" Said all of them. "Danielle!" Zach, jack and Daniel run over to me as they say that. "I just broke it by dancing, good job me." I say, I hurt really bad and I start crying.

Zach picks me up and Carrys me to logans car.
Zach and jack came with Logan and me and the others got an uber.

We rushed to the hospital. I'm sobbing so bad i start breathing real hard. I couldn't control myself. I position my ankle in a comfortable one and calm down. "I'm ok, I can't stop crying I'm sorry." I stutter into Zach's shoulder.

"No it's ok Danielle your fine. I love you so much you are going to be ok and we are going to get your ankle fixed ok?" Zach said reassuring me.

•At the hospital•

I'm laying in the hospital bed with Zach holding my hand as I see my x-ray results. They turned my ankle in ways that made me want to die on how bad the pain was. (I broke my arm once and this happened to me and I had to bend it straight while the bone to do that was like somewhere else it was great.) "As you see the bone is fractured and you will need a cast and crutches." Says the doctor.

"How long will she have to stay here?" Zach and jack asks. "Only tonight until 5 tomorrow. ". She says and Zach puts his head down on my chest. He was so caring.

"Can I stay here?" Asked Zach to the doc and jack. "Yes you may, it's always nice to
Had company when your in this state." She says and jack nods his head saying it's ok.

" ok I'll sleep here tonight, if you need me get
Me ok?" Zach says looking at me with his amazing eyes.

"Alright, she will have to take a medicine every hour tonight. When you get home make sure you don't walk on it, get these boys to help you around ok?" She informed me.

"Ok, thank you so much ma'am." I say "no problem sweetie." She walks out. Daniel and the rest of the boys walk in.

They all come in and hug me. "Listen Dani, if you also need me call me in the night I will bring your stuff and Zach I will bring
You're stuff aswell." Jack said.

"Thank Jackie I love you." I gave him a big
Kiss on the cheek and he kisses me back. "I'm sorry this had to happen dude, I'll bring you some merch to wear while you are hurt, it's cozy." Logan says being kind.

"Thanks Logan, I appreciate it." Before I can say another thing he responds. "Anything for a logangster". He leans down and hugs me.

"Ok we gotta go love you Dani! From all of us!" Says Corbyn. They all walk out accept Zach and he stays there holding my hand.

"This is going to be a fun few weeks now isn't it!" I say. He laughs "yep, I'll be here though." He kisses me and just lay with his head on my
Shoulder and me leaning on it.

*inhale* dramatic I knowww!! But I needed something interesting to happen! Thank you for reading! Love you all! ❤❤❤

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