- chapter 29 -

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Macy's POV

I randomly wake up at 4 in the night.

God damnit.

I just get up and start to clean the house.

I finish the kitchen in 20 minutes.  That was the messiest. 

I go outside and clean everything.

I see the place where I punched Zach.

I could look at it anymore so I just pick
Everything up and went to the living room.

I moped up any spills and now he house was good again.

I go to the bathroom to take a bath.  I really needed this.

I turn on warm water and lock the door.

I get undressed and sink into the bath.  This was calming.

I sat there for about 10 minutes before I wash myself and my hair.

I sat for another 10 then get out and dry myself.  I put on new fresh clothes I brought in from Danielle's room since we fit the same clothes.

It was a long black t-shirt and gray sweat pants.

I dry my hair and just let it down.

I walk to the couch again and pull out my phone.

I see a dm from Danielle from 25 minutes ago while I was bathing.

d- help I don't want to get up.  I want to stay here in Daniels arms forever.  I don't want to see Zach.  Life is shit.

M- I know.  Well I cleaned the house.  So it's all good.  I was up since 4 so.

D- sorry about that.  Thanks so much I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

M- it's no problem.  I'm going to try and sleep.  I need it.

D- ok sleep well ilu.

M-  ilu 2
read 5:34

I locked my phone and tried to sleep.

I was thinking about Logan and the feel asleep.

Snoozeville here I come.


I can't even type anymore I'm so tired fuck.

I just took a deep bath like Macy took and it really helps clearing your thoughts. 

Plus you feel super clean.
So yea.

I love you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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