- chapter 31 -

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Danielle's POV

I shut the door and ran to my car.

I got Into the drivers seat and took off to the studio.

I listened to some of the boys music while driving.

Then before I make it there I listen to location.  So I can practice.

I arrive at the studio.  Park and then walk in.

He is waiting for me.

"Hello!  Alright just go in there and sing a song.  I'll make my final decision after hearing a couple seconds." He finishes and I step into the recording area with a  mic.

I clear my throat and start singing location.

"Send me your location lets focus on communication cause I just need the time and place to come through.

Send me your location lets vibe the vibrations."

He stops me and opens the door for me to come out.

He sits me down.

"You are definitely talented, I'm signing you." He says and I freak out.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" I say and kick my feet front and back in my chair.

"You have to understand that it isn't easy being successful in music.  The boys are very lucky." He says.

"Yea I understand.  I have done a lot of research.  I have already writting a small snippet of a song but I want to finish it first." I say.

His eyes widen.

"I will excited to hear it.  Have a good day." He says putting his hand out for me to shake it.

I shake it with a  tight grip and leave.

I get into my car and drive back to the house.

I get out my car and walk into the house ready to present that I am now a official artist!

I walk in and all I hear from Zachs mouth is.

"She just isn't right for me.  I felt something with Lucy.  I feel bad but I can't do it anymore."

I don't even say anything I slam the door shut and run up to my room.

I lock it and yell as loud as I could.

I dont know what to feel.  I'm angry.  I'm sad.  I'm depressed. 

I run to my desk and rip the paper with lyrics on it and crumble it in a ball and throw it under my bed.

I can't believe I was writting a song about him.  He didn't love me.  He just used me.

I sob and sit in my chair and start writting down lyrics.

I was spilling out my feelings into a song.

I heard loud knocks on the door but I didn't care nor answer.

Someone picked my lock and burst the door open.

I turn around hiding my notebook.

I see Jonah.  Nobody else. 

He runs to me and hugs me.

I forgot.  He knows how this feels.  He has been broken so much.

He didn't say anything.

Mac came in and hugged me and Jonah.

Macy ran in and hugged all of us.

It was a group hug.  I felt loved.

Everyone pulled away.

Then they all walked out.  Macy didn't want to leave but she did leave.

Then Daniel walked in.


You are welcome for the cliffhanger!! I love you all so much! ❤❤❤

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