- chapter 11 -

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HOLY SHITT 200 FUCKING READS WT F F FFF F F??!!!!!!  Thank you so much guys like holy hell!  I love you alllllll AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ❤❤❤

                       Danielle's POV

Zach carried me down stairs and sat me on the couch.  Daniel was carrying my crutches.

I just layed down.  Thinking about the dream.

Daniel was the only boy who didn't have a girl all on him.

What did that mean?  I don't understand my mind sometimes.

"Here is so coffee,  hope this helps clear your mind."  Zach sat the coffee on the table i front of me and I picked it up and drank.

"Thanks Zach I really needed this.  I'm not really stable at the moment y-" before I could finish my sentence Zach put the coffee on the table and cuddled me.

My head was on his shoulder and it felt so right.

Like I was born to be in his arms.  To be with him forever.  He never fails to make me happy.

He moved his body away from mine and kisses me.  That made me feel ever better.

He then quickly pecks my cheek and got up and sat next to me.

Daniel sat my crutches on the floor next to me and went to the kitchen with a slightly sad expression.

He looked over at me and smiled and so I did in return.

                             Daniels POV

Zach brought her coffee and she said "thanks Zach I really needed this.  I'm not really stable at the moment y-"  he just takes her coffee sits it Down and cuddles her following in a kiss

I walk slower down the stairs.  Jack notices and I speed up again looking away.

He gets off and sits down next to her. 

I walk next to the couch sit down the crutches and walk to the kitchen. 

I'm good at hiding emotion but I was so hurt by seeing that I just slightly showed sadness.

Danielle is smart she was looking at me so I smiled at her and she smiled back.

What I would do to show her that I loved her.  She has Zach though and I'm not that type of guy.

She turns her head away from me and leans on Zach.  I smile at them and Zach looked at me and smiled.

He mouthed "thank you for supporting us."  I mouthed back "of course little bro anything for you."

He smiled again and puts his head in her head.

I'm happy for him but I'm missing her hug.  Why did I have to catch fucking feelings damnit.

I walked outside and looked at the sunrise.  I exhale loudly letting out some emotions that were  needed to be let out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone sat next to me.

"It's ok bro I know how you feel." They said.

"Thanks Jonah." I say.  We may not show A lot in social media but me and Jonah have are bonding moments.

"I'm not gonna ask but I know how it is.  Loving someone you cant have.  You are happy for them but then again you wish you were the one making them happy.  It's all to familiar with me." Spoke Jonah.  He was always heart broken.

"Do you love her?" I say a bit to loud but ignore it.

"I did at first, at least that's what I thought but it wasn't love it was a feeling of wanting to protect her."  He was a protective man.

"I did have feelings at first.  Well i did but I thought it was just a love like yours."  I say exhaling. "But it wasn't, it was the romantic love."

Before I say another word he helps me up and hugs me. 

"You can always talk to me Daniel.  Let's go and eat some waffles!" He says and runs inside.

He always made me feel better.  Such a great friend.

We run in and grab are waffles and put on some maple syrup.

I walk into the living room to see jack and Danielle talking and laughing.  They are such sibling goals.

"Guys WAFFLESSSS!" I yell and Corbyn runs down stairs and gets Waffles.

He runs to sit next to Zach and talks to him about Christina and then they talk about shoes.  Somehow that related to Christina?

I finished my waffles and before I walked Into the kitchen.

"Hey Daniel can you get me a cup of milk?"  I heard Danielle ask.

"Of course!" I say "anything else?"

"No but thank you Danny!"  She just called me Danny.  Oh dear this is going to be harder than I thought.

                         Danielle's POV

Daniel brings me my milk and I take a sip.  He smiles and turns to sit next to Jonah.  I turn to jack and ask.

"Do you know anyone else I love?" I ask since they were friends with Logan Paul himself.

"Yea I'm friends with Zach Herron didn't know if you knew that!" He says and laughs

"Oh boy I'm so surprised I love him so much!"  I say as Zach walks over.

"What about me?" He says.  Sits down and kisses me on the cheek.

"Nothing" I say and laugh along with jack.

Daniel gets up from the couch and leaves to go upstairs along with Jonah.

What's wrong with him?  I wish I knew.


IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE 292984992 years!  I love you guys thank you for about 250 reads!! Hope you like this longer chapter!  I love you please vote and comment so I know you like it!

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