- chapter 17 -

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WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???   Why are so many people reading this udder cringe shit 😂😂😂 thank you all I love you!!

                      Danielle's POV

Me and Jonah walk downstairs and everyone but Zach and Macy is just sitting down watching jack and Daniel play FIFA.

"GUYS JONAH HAS A SOLID FOR YOU TO DO!" I yell and everyone looks back at me and he boys pause the game.

"Where is Zach?  We need him too." Asked Jonah.

"We will ask him later." I say and he starts to explain the plan.

I walk into the kitchen and grab some milk and pour me a glass of milk then sit on my phone.

I got on twitter and checked everything.

Then I see I got a dm request from Beautychickee.

She said "hey Danielle!  I have wanted to talk to you for a while but I didn't know how to ask so here I am!"

I accept and message back.

"Hi Christina! I'm actually shaking I love you and your videos!  Your tweets kill me 😂"

I put my phone down and sip my milk.

I get on Instagram and look at a bunch of dach edits and photos. (Danielle's and zachs ship name)

They are all so cute.  I love the music to them also.

I try and like as many as possible and then just scroll like usual .

I really loved Zach.  I can't believe I'm so lucky to find someone like him.  Such a loving crazy funny boy.  I always get butterfly's around him.

I finish my milk then out the dish in the sink and then walk back out.

"Danielle everyone said yes so all I Have to do is ask Zach when he comes back in." He says and smiles.

He really likes this girl she better treat him right.

"Great!  Can't wait to see her tomorrow.  Have you texted her to say where to meet up?" I asked.

"I'll do that right now." He sits on a bar stool and I sit next to him.

He says "hey!  Wanna meet up tomorrow?  Go to the hill in the park and I will meet you there around 4?"

He was nervous I could tell.

I wrap my arm around him.

"Don't worry she will say yes,  any girl is lucky to have you." I say and then take my arm off him.

"Thanks Danielle it means a lot." He says and smiles.

She's is writing back.

He freezes and his eyes go wide.

She replies with "yes of course!  I will be there!  I can't wait to meet you j!  See you tomorrow 😘"

I'm glad she said yes.

"Yes." He says and exhales all the stress and nervousness.

"I knew she would say yes." I say and smile at him.

He turns and smiles to me.

"Thanks you really helped me." He says and then gets up and joins in watching the boys playing FIFA.

I'm going to try and find Macy and Zach.

I know Macy she wants to get to know everyone I love and especially a boyfriend. 

She is such a good friend and a keeper at that.

She has never done anything to hurt me ever since 6th grade when we became friends.

I go upstairs and everywhere but then I remember outside is the best place for a deep conversation and it's super peaceful. I walked outside and then found them and they were sitting in the grass talking.  Then Macy did something I never thought she would do.  Her and Zach kissed. . . .

FINALLY DRAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AND A CLIFFHANGER KINDA OF?  Sorry for it being so short I really did have an idea what to do before the end. Nasssttyyy hooees

I love you all thanks for reading!! ❤❤❤

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