- chapter 21 -

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Danielle's POV

Atleast I could prepare myself before.

We might talk after today if he and I get the guts to.

Jonah goes back upstairs to get ready.

It was now 10:18 so most boys are awake just not downstairs.

Jack walks down the stairs with his messy noodles.

He just walks over to me and tackles me on tells couch and grunts.

"uuuuuuugggggghhh" he groans and sits up next to me.

"I have to get ready today and I just wanna sit and binge watch strange things." He mumbles into my shoulder.

"Me too honestly but today is a day to meet a new person.  Never hurts to meet new people right?" I said and wrap my arm around him.

"Yea, but I still wanna watch stranger things." Jack said sitting up going to the stairs.

"Have fun getting ready!  If you need my help with your noodles I will be there!" I yell As he reaches the top of the steps.

"ALRIGHT!" He screams down the goes to his room.

For some reason I kept looking the top of the steps.

I kept expecting Zach to come downstairs with his cute messy morning hair.

What will it take for me to be a good girlfriend?

Not to mention I kept expecting to see Macy run down and come sit next to me.

I messed up.  They messed up.


I see Daniel walk downstairs topless in his jeans he had worn the day before.

I stare at his chest but quickly look away.

You are Zach's girl.

No I wasn't but I felt like I was.

He doesn't say a work to me.  He doesn't even look at me.

What did I do wrong?  The kiss? He kissed back I don't know what's wrong.

I look at this and see his look up at me and I quickly look back to my legs.


Corbyn ran down the stairs and ran to me hugging me tightly.

"I'm so sorry that happened." He whispered.

Jack told him definitely.

He releases me and runs to Daniel and does the same thing.

Fuck I forgot Daniel will have to sing with Zach too.


Someone comes and sits next to me on the couch and exhales loudly.

It was daniel I could tell cause his pants.

"Sorry about last night." He whispered.

"Me too." I whisper back.

He hugs me.

I hug back.

I hug him extremely tight.  I didn't want to cry today so I needed to do this.

I let go and he let go.

I got my phone out and got on twitter.

I scroll and see Macy had tweeted


I'm sorry.  I messed up. Worst friend award goes to me👈

It hurt me to see her hurting but god damnit she hurt me.

I feel better than yesterday atleast.

I then tweeted.

Forgiveness is important.  And I forgive you.  I still love you.

I press send and it posted.

I continue scrolling and see Zach tweet.


Sometimes we do wrong.  All we have to do is learn and keep going.

He always tweets inspiration but it also hides small vents of his feelings.

I like his tweet and I feel Daniel looking at my finger and at my screen.

I take my headphones from my pocket and plug them into my phone and listen to music.

Before I know it it's 2:45 and everyone is dressed and waiting for Zach to come home.

I am sitting on the couch still and I'm listening to "wild" by troye Sivan.

I couldn't hear anything but Corbyn goes to the door and opens it.

Everyone hugs one another and then they explains the plan again I'm guessing.

They all rehearse how they are going to do it and then they finish at 3:30.

So we are trying to do something to pass the time.

I lock my phone and take out my headphones.


I laugh.

"Yep it's Surprising I know!" I reply

"Hey why don't we use Danielle acting like Mackenzie and we practice one last time with An actual girl standing there? Asked jack.

I knew what he was doing.

Everyone noddeds and they start singing.

Zach starts and looks into my eyes.

He finishes and the rest of the boys start singing there parts.

It's Daniels part and he looks at me so deeply.

lastly Jonah sings the chorus.

They skip the music part and then continue the song.

They finish and it was amazing.

I was blushing when everyone went even jack.

I blush easily so it's easy to impress me.

It was now 3:49 and they all rush into the car.

I didn't come along I was going to meet them here.

The others will come back after singing and then when Jonah is done with the date they will hopefully come back here.

I was excited to meet a new friend.


Oooo ooooop I don't know what to put here anymore so yea   I love you all!! ❤❤❤

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