- chapter 7 -

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Alright so I see not many people are reading these later chapters buuttt maybe they forgot about it!  It's ok it will only get better 😉😏

                             Zach's POV

Jack got back to the hospital with are stuff and I got on my phone and gave Danielle her phone.  "I'm going to be on twitter and Instagram if you need anything you can tell me ok?" I say.

"Ok, Same for me I might go live though.  I feel like the fans would like to know what's going on."  She says asking if it's alright.

"It's probably the smartest thing to do.  So it's cleared up." I say.

                        Danielle's POV

I get on Instagram and start going live.  I put my hair in front of my head so I don't look like I have a double chin. 

"Hey guys so I'm going to wait till some more people get here so I can explain why me and Zach are in the hospital, Zach is ok just to say." I explain

"I was dancing around in the boys house and fractured my ankle, the surgery will be done tomorrow and I will leave at like 5 they said."  Then Zach buts in.

"She said to me when you took a quick nap you might have to stay another night actually, but if the surgery goes well you may go home."  He explains in a droopy voice.

I exhale loudly.  " oh boy!  I'm going to torture you to stay longer.  I'm sorry if you have to stay again up can leave after tonight". I say to Zach.

"It's not torture!  I will stay here with you I love you!  Also guys if you didn't already know me and Danielle are dating soooo." Said Zach and I turn to the camera. 

"Yea,  hope you Zach lovers don't hate me!  You can love him with me I don't get jealous easily!" I say hopping no one hates on me for dating him.

"Yea guys don't be rude to her or else you are truely and fan of me!" He says seriously.  I was surprised he said that. 

"Well I do love him so I'll go with what he said.  Anyway how are you guys?"  The stream continued until my nurse came in and gave me my medicine.

"Ok guys I'm going to go I love you all!"  "I love all of you too!" Said Zach.  I ended the stream and fell asleep.
Sorry for the late and short chapter.  I've been busy and not on my phone!  I hope this is ok I love you all!! ❤❤❤

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