- chaper 48 - (FINAL CHAPTER)

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  I know it's the end guys.  Listen I'm so happy and I love you all thank you for the support on this first journey!  I'm making other books!  Please check them out!  The one "you're my drug" is going to be my main fanfic.  Please give it a read.  I love you all now to the last chapter!

  Danielle's POV

I woke up to the smell of amazing pancakes and bacon.  and eggs?  Wow I'm excited.

I see Daniel isn't cuddling me so he must have left.

I sit up and someone opened the door.

They were spying on me?

"Morning bitch!" Yelled Macy.

She sits two pancakes with bacon and scrabbled eggs in my lap on a tray.

"I know you aren't a breakfast in bed type person but they wouldn't listen to me."  She says.

I laugh and pick up my tray and give it to her.

"I'll walk down and eat it with everyone.  You can rub it in their faces that I didn't want it in bed." I say and get out of bed and start walking downstairs.

I sit next to everyone.

"Macy knows me best why didn't you listen to her guys?" I say and laugh.

Macy places the tray down and flips everyone off.

"HAAA HAAAA I TOLD YOU ALLL!!!!!  SUCK MY DICK!!" She yells and starts pelvic thrusting.

Logan sits up and laughs then goes and grabs her and kisses her.

"DAAAAMMMNNN!!  Logan is romantic as fuck.  Plus he's smart Macy when she is right she is pashonet so that kiss is good I bet." I say and everyone laughs.

"Holy shit yea that was good." Said Logan and Macy laughs.

I hear jack exhale loudly.


He laughs and so does everyone else.

"Since yesterday was hell we are making today a fun day." Said Christina.

"Oh no guys it's fine!" I say then Daniel picks me and I wrap my legs around him.

"No we are doing something for you and nothing will make it bad." He says and kisses me.

I kiss back and pull back.

"I have an idea."  I say.

I sit down back on the couch.

"Ok so today will be a fun dance party music playing like day.  We can sing and play instruments and then have a dance party after and order pizza and just whatever pops up we can do." I explain.

Everyone nods.

Everyone is still in pajamas so we all agree.

"So let's do instruments first.  If anyone here can play an instrument go get it." I say.

I go upstairs and grab my ukulele.

Then I go back to downstairs and see everyone in the room with instruments.

Daniel is at his base.  Jonah is at the piano.  Corbyn is at his guitar thing.  Logan is sitting down next to Macy which they both have mics.  Aswell as Zach and jack have mics.  Christina is the crowd.  A whopping 1 person.

I sit down on the floor with my ukulele.

Everyone sits down with christina in the audience but everyone who had a mic is judging.

I was first one up so I fix up my ukulele and think of a song to play.  Something to get me in the mood to jam out.  A song that comes to mind.

I start to play to play "I don't know my name"

Everyone is looking at me in awe.

"Just tryyyyying." I sing.

Then continue.

Then comes the end part


Everyone claps.

"AMAZING!" Says everyone who had a Mic.

I laugh and blush.

"Thank yaaa!" I say and wave acting like their is a huge crowd.

I sit where Daniel was as he walks to the piano.

He looks at me and starts playing "I can't help
Falling in love with you" and I melt.

He looked back to the piano and sings his heart out.

I am now crying with Macy and me holding hands sobbing but silently.

This was the best day ever.

He finishes and he comes to wipe my tears.

I kiss him.

"That was amazing thank you so much." I say.

Me and Macy calm down and everyone else goes.

Jonah goes next And sings "all of me" with Corbyn who is singing it to Christina.

The last person is Macy.

She goes up and she can't play so she gets on the laptop and plays the instrumental for "satisfied" from the musical Hamilton.

I can't stand it so I stand up and rush to her.

This was are s o n g  we love Hamilton.

We sing are heart out and everyone laughs at are great moves.  I was Alexander.  She was Angelica. IF YOU GUYS DONT KNOW WHAT HAMILTON IS EDUCATE YOURSELF. IT IS THE GREATEST MUSICAL EVER!! AND SATISFIED IS MY FAVORITE SONG SO PLEASE CHECK IT OUUTT!!  We finish and everyone is crying laughing.

"Your voices were actually good but the dancing was the best!" Said Logan.

We all laugh

"Logan is right!" Said Christina who was like ripping Corbyns shoulder off.

After that we order pizza.  Then we have a big dance party and I'm cautious with my ankle.

I didn't get hurt and neither did anyone else.

We all had the best time that night.

After everyone calmed down and was super
Tired we all watched mean girls and fell asleep on the couch with multiple covers across the couch.

Everyone was leaning on someone accept Logan who was at the end.  Turns out he was leaning his head on Macy who was leaning on his shoulder.

This was the best day of my life.  I will never forget it.


IM ACTUALLY SUPER SAD RIGHT NOW I JUST ENDED THIS BOOOOOK UUUGHHHHHH!!!!!  I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH!!! But hopefully my new character in you're my drug you guys will like too!  I love you all thank you for all the support on this book.  I will never forget you guys and this book.  Please join me on my other books.  I don't wanna lose you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ again I love you all so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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