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Femke's P.O.V

Let me introduce myself. I'm 15 years old. Like to dance, sing en eating. I have two best friends Sanne and Jessica they're both 15 too and Sanne is really sassy and Jessica is a very smart girl. We've been best friends since high school. So about 3 years. We all like 5SOS and 1D. And we're very loud, weird and a lot of things.

I don't swear with curse words but with food. That's very normal for me.

First day after summer vacation. I'm walking down the hallways to my match lesson. The teacher is such a bitch. Or I just don't like her. Probably both.

I always pull pranks with my best friends Sanne and Jessica and we make a lot of jokes. People like to call us the terrible three. No idea why. They are my partners in crime. Be warned.

Suddenly I hear screaming but didn't bother to turn around. Probably some of the school sluts. As I walked inside the classroom I saw that Sanne and Jessica weren't there yet. Weird. Before I had time to think were they could be I was pushed down face first. I could feel two body's sitting on my back. And I think I know who they are:

Sanne the sassy girl and Jessica the little smart one. Those are my nicknames for them. If you steal them you'll have to pay some money. Don't know how much but enough money so I can buy some good food.

Anyway while I was in pain on the ground they were laughing their ass off. So much for being best friends. I wasn't very comfortable and my nose was bleeding.

"Stupid mushrooms get off my back before I'll do something I will regret."

"You always do something you regret" Sanne says while getting off my back.

"But I'm so comfortable here. It's better than my chair" Jessica whines.

"Well yeah everything is better than these chairs in this school, apple pie" I say

Jessica says some curse words under her breath and stands up. She holds her hand out for me to get up. Sanne gives  me a paper towel for my nose.

"Sorry for that bleeding part but if you would've turn around it didn't happen. So it's your own fault. " Sassy girl says.

"So you're saying my nose was begging to be hurt." "Yes" "No it didn't" "Yes it did"

"Girls be quit and take a seat or you can write this chapter four times." Seems like our favourite teacher has arrived. Uhm

Miss White was about to say something but was cut off when the door opened.

Again I didn't bother to look up and continued playing with my pencil.

"Can I get everyone's attention? Also yours Femke, quit playing with that thing and listen"

Ah, so it's the head of our school. He doesn't like me but also doesn't hate me. Weird man.

"Sorry sir but that thing is a pencil. When you put it on a paper and you write with it, there will be some colour on your paper. You should try sometime" Sanne says.

Don't laugh, Don't laugh. HA I didn't laugh. Femke one point, Sanne zero points.

The head only shakes his head and continues.

"Tomorrow this class will be getting five new students. I expect you treat them good and don't scare them away"

Why the beans is he looking our way? Sure we're weird and loud, but we wouldn't do that.......... Maybe.

"Yes your Royal Highness. We promise we won't hurt them or scare them away." Sassy, I like it.

"Are they hot? Do  they have a six pack? Can they sing? Can they dance?" Of course Jessica would ask that. That's typical her.

"Oh oh oh, and do they like food and are they as normal as I am" I ask.

" Femke, First you aren't normal and second not everyone is in love with food. Except you and Niall Horan."

" Sanne, First I like to think I'm very normal 'cause my mom thinks I'm cool and second I'm gonna marry food  while you are gonna marry your Louis poster."

" Sanne, Femke , First your both not normal and I agree with Femke, Sanne you're gonna marry your Louis poster while I'm gonna marry my Harry poster and Femke is gonna marry her food. Problemo solved."

"While your girls are going to fight who you are going to marry I'm going back to my office. Miss White good luck."

" Bye mister American pie, Drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry. And them good old boys drinking whiskey and rye singing 'this will be the day that I die. This will  be the day that I die" I sing waving bye.

"What the heck. What song is that?"

"My stupid little Jess. This song is American pie form Don Mclean. You should listen to it" (A/N please do not listen to it's not a very good song I think)

"Make sence"

"Girls quit and listen."

This is my first chapter. What do you think of it.

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Bye bye


SeparateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora