Chapter 12

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Jessica’s P.O.V

How could they do that? Do we really mean nothing to them? What about the almost kiss with Harry.  And all the hugs and the cuddles last night. What about them?  The ‘You can do it’ and high fives. The jokes, pranks and sassy moments. The little fights. Those brother and sister moments. And those times when people asked us if we were  couple. Nothing.

Do they know how much it hurts. It would’ve hurt less if they told us face to face. My birthday isn’t for two days. But it feel ruined already. Thank you.

We had so much fun with Joey back stage before the show. He gave us a few clothing tips. He is very nice. But all the fun is ruined now and forgotten.

“Why don’t we have a nice sleepover. Cry our tears out and then we can watch a movie like love actually, mean girls, pretty little liars, twilight or something else. And we can give each other make overs and Joey can style you and then you’re going to give us a fashion show” Josh suggests.

“OMG. We are so going to watch twilight. Taylor Lautner has an amazing six pack. You should have something like that, Josh. I would love you more” Joey jokes.

“I agree with Joey” I sniffle.

Josh shoots me a playful glare. Joey lets out a small laugh and rubs my back in a comforting way. Which is very nice.

I look up from where I had my face buried in Joey’s chest. There is a big wet spot from my crying. Sanne and Femke are still crying. They always take things a little harder than I do.

“Jessica don’t turn around” Josh warns when I want to turn around because I feel that someone is looking at me.

“Why not” I ask.

“Just don’t” He says.

“So. A ‘girls night’ at our hotel” Josh quickly changes the subject.

“Yeah” I nod.

“Do you want me to drive” Joey asks. Josh nods.

“ I’ll sit in the back with Sanne and Femke.” Josh says.

I open the door for them. Joey picks Femke up and puts her in a seat. Josh picks Sanne up and carries her towards the car. He sits down first before pulling Sanne down beside him. He puts an arm around both of them. They immediately  cuddle into him.  I sit down next to Joey in the front. He puts the car in drive and backs out of the parking spot. We pass the ‘Employs only’ and I see Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam watching us drive by. That’s why I wasn’t allowed to turn around a few minutes ago.

They all look like they’ve been crying. Well it’s their own fault. All we wanted was to be friends. All they wanted was to fake a friendship and hurt our feelings. Well thanks a lot it worked assholes.

Louis’s P.O.V

Why did we listen to management. We could’ve told them we wouldn’t do that. Who cares if they drop us we can always find another management. But we can’t find new friends. New friends with the same personality as we have. Now we’ve lost three amazing girls. They understood us already after an hour. Like we’ve knew them since diapers. Well not really since diapers but you know what I mean.

Josh has every right to be mad. We are assholes. We hurt them and we hurt ourselves. But we hurt them more. We did follow Josh outside to see a heart breaking scene. Three girls crying their eyes out with only one boy comforting them because their five friends are assholes. I fucking hate management.

The worst was Paul couldn’t do anything. It would’ve cost his job and he isn’t allowed to see us ever again. Which is unfair I think. He kind of raised us in the boys we are today. Paul also had a very hard time back stage. He saw the girls with that other boy laughing and then at our words their faces changed and they broke down.

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