Chapter 22

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Liam's P.O.V

Another day of school. Ughh. Yesterday we had a good laugh after they spider accident. When Harry picked up the spider he started chasing Lou. Who jumped in Sanne's arms which made them both end up on the ground. With Louis on top. Poor Sanne. Glad she didn't die. No just joking. Louis isn't that heavy.

"What do we have now?" Zayn asks joing our hands together. I don't know why but it still makes me blush.

"We have P.E and it's fun because the man let us always chose if we want to stay inside or outside. I always stay inside because I'm fun and Femke and I always joking around while Jessica is outside" Sanne says jumping up and down. Wow someone is hyper today. To much Nutella for breakfast I think.

"No Nutella for you anymore girl" Zayn says.

"But Nutella is heaven. And our Nutella at home is empty and mom won't buy new for me. She says I get hyper from chocolate which is so not true. And I don't get it either. Do you get it? I don't. Ooooh pink!" Sanne rambles until Jessica holds a pink up. Sanne's pink backpack.

"Is she always like this?" I ask Jessica.

"Not always. But sadly yes most of the time" She says

"Heyyyyyy..... Okay which idoit gave her Nutella." Femke asks looking at Sanne trying not to laugh.

"Lovely seeing you here" Sanne says to the bag. Is she really flirting with a schoolbag?!

I'm about to say something when Jessica says " Just let her be"

"Hello and oooooh Hot Boy!!" Sanne found a new interest.

"Uhm. Boyfriend next to you" Louis says waving his hand in front of Sannes's eyes.

"Way to ruin the moment hot boyfriend next to me" Sanne says.


"WOOOW LAZY TIME" Sanne shouts sprinting up te stairs.

"She calls this lazy?" Louis asks before running after her.

"Carry me Harold" Jessica says hugging him.

"What's the magic word?" He asks

"Please" Jess pouts

"Well actually it's shampoo. But because it's you. Please will do it" Harry says picking her up bridal.

"Well come on then blondie. Let's move" Femke says pulling Niall from the ground. Never knew he was there but okay.

"But I don't like P.E. Because you get all sweaty and tired" Niall whines.

"You also get sweaty and tired from preforming on stage. So MOVE!" Femke says pushing Niall upstairs. Yeah this school has a gym upstairs. Not that I'm complaining.

"Liam, Zayn! Get your arse upstairs. If you're late it's not my fault I warned you. And please don't do anything dirty in public". Femke shouts at us.

"I'm coming mom!" I shout back.

"Lili can you carry me?" Zayn pouts and give me the puppy eyes.

"Get on my back than babe"

"Love you" He mumbles in my neck.

"Love you too sweetcheeks."

Le skip changing. P.E time !!

Right now only the six of us are inside. Harry and Jessica went outside.

"Sanne what the heck are you doing" I ask from my place on top of the horse thing. Sanne is next to me on the ground being herself. Louis, Niall and Zayn are playing basketball and Femke is sleeping on the bench.

"I'm trying to hide" She says

"And why?"

"I don't know. Because I'm normal!" She normal? Nope definaitly not!

"If we get those rings down we can use it as a swing". Sanne suddenly says and jumps up running around the corner.

And that's how we ended up swinging. Sanne and I are sharing the one swing we have. But it's not very easy because she's small. And i take a lot of space.

"Do you always do this?". I ask jumping down.

"Yep alwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Louis stop pushing! stop it! STOP IT!" Sanne shouts.

"Louis go higher!" Seems like Femke woke up

"You bitch. Don't say that. Let me down!"

"Love you too. Now if you could shut up. I'm trying to sleep" Femke says laying down again.

I laugh and go sit on the ground. Maybe I could do some push ups. Haven't done that in a long time. Well not since Zayn's my boyfriend.

I've done about ten push ups. When somebody stands in front of me. I know those legs and that tatoo

" Heyy babe" I say stopping

"Don't stop" Zayn says quickly. And blushes

"Why not " I ask

".........." Zayn mutters something under his breath

"Can't hear it love. Try talking a bit louder." I laugh

"I said it looks hot" he says emberassed.

"Awh. Well then keep watching me"

" I can do that" he says laying down in front of me.

Harry's P.O.V

The girls don't know it but we already paid for their trip. This morning we made Paul go to school early so he could pay. We know they didn't want us to pay. We weren't eavesdropping. We would never do that. How can you think that of us.

I guess i was in a to deep thought because all I can see is a ball coming my way and then me on the ground.

"Haz. Are you okay?" Jessica asks worried

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me" I say finding it cute she is worried about me.

"You okay boy" mister Cole asks

"Yeah. Bit dizzy. But that's it"

"Okay. Go sit on the bench. Jessica help him walk towards there and than get some ice for the boy".

"Yes sir" Jessica helps me up.

"You're really clumsy you know" Jess says

"I know. I'm sorry for ruining your soccer game. It looked like it was really fun" I say

"It's okay. I'd rather spend time with you than playing soccer " she smiles.

How did I get so lucky?


Guess who's back. That's right me. Typing this on my phone. So sorry for the mistakes




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