Chapter 32

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Femke's P.O.V

The way back to our room was easier. But I think that was because it was already 4AM and every normal person would be asleep. Just like Liam and Zayn. But not us :). Maybe we aren't that normal. But who cares? I don't.

It went well the trip back. But non of us knew our room code. So we were locked out. We could wake up a teacher. But which person is so stupid to do that. Not us.

So what we did was making ourselves comfortable against our wall and door. Not caring that if Mr Irwin came that we probably would be in a lot of trouble. But we always get in trouble. So nothing bew would've happened

But the weird thing was we woke up in a room. Just like five minutes ago. Don't ask me how we did that. Or why we always wake up around the same time. I guess that's normal for us.

I look around the room. And discover a big mess. Food all over the place. Just like the had a food fight. Funny. We (the boys and us girls) also had a foodfight yesterday. That's pretty weird. Shoes are in every corner of the room. This aren't very clean people.

"Girls. We are in the boys there room" Jess says

"How'd you know that" I ask

Jessica points to something behind me. I turn around.

"Okay. I believe you now. And omg that's so cute" I say.

"Can I take a picture" Sanne asks. I nod.

Right next to us are Zayn and Liam. All cuddled up. Zayn's face is in Liam's chest. And Liam's chin is resting on top of Zayn's head. Arms wrapped around each other

"No" Liam mumbles.

Jessica and I look at each other with a look that says 'dude he's awake'.

"But you're so cute. I need to remember this Ziam moment" Sanne whines

"Sanne, babe, you're inner fangirl is showing" Louis laughs walking in

"Is not. I don't have an inner fangirl. What is wrong with you?"

"Do you really want to know?" Louis asks with this weird smile.

"Noooo not when you have that look" Sanne says.

"I'M HUNGRY. I WANT BREAKFAST." I suddenly yell. Everybody jumps in shock.

"HEARTATTACK" Jessica yells slapping my on the back of my head.

"Ouch" I pout.

"N'awww come here you big baby" Sanne cooes.

You just made me hate you Sanne. Well not really. Not much. Okay I don't hate you. You're my sister can't hate you. I don't have that many friends. And the friends that I have are my family. And I can't hate my family.

But I will hate you if you won't make my Maths homework for the rest of the year. It's not that I hate Maths. I just don't understand Maths.


"To the elevator peasants" Sanne snaps het fingers towards the door.

"We won't fit in that little thing together you know that right" Liam says.

"Well Lili. There are stairs just around the corner. All I can say is have fun. Don't die. Don't murder anyone. Don't fall. And if you're tired when your downstairs I'm eating your breakfast. Just so you know" I say pushing him towards the door that leads to the stairs.

"But what about my boyfriend" Liam whines.

"You can have mine as company. We'll stay with Zaynnie. " Sanne says.

"Yeah. Take mine and Femke's too. We need some cuality time with Zayn. " Jessica says pushing Niall and Harry after Liam.

"But whyyyyyyyyyy" Louis asks stretching the 'y'.

"Because we say so. Now move" Sanne points her finger towards the stairs with a stern look.

"Do we have the same rules as Li" Harry asks.

"Yes you have." Jessica says turning around and making her way into the elevator with her arm hooked around Zayn's arm.

"So what is this all about" Zayn laughs.

"Well you see. We girls like to talk about clothes, food and boys. You are gay. And you're a bit like the guy everyone can see that is gay from a few meters distance. And we like you" Jessica explains.

"I'm a proud gay guy". Zayn smiles.

"Well we're very very very happy for you. But let's get serious. How are things going with Mark? And stuff" I ask

"Well I haven't heard of Mark every since that evening. Louis and Harry talked to Simon. But they haven't heard of him anymore. An I don't know what they talked about. And my ribs still hurt but it's better then before. And we're here" Seems like these elevators work on turbo or something.

"Yep. That's no breakfast for you" Sanne points at Harry and Louis. Who are leaning against each other puffing.

"You wouldn't dare" Louis gasps.

"Watch me" She smiles and walks away.

"She isn't serious. Is she" Harry asks.

"Well you don't know Sanne then" Jessica laughs


We all laugh at them. And walk into the hotel restaurant and find a table. Which is the best table they have. Right next to all the food :). I love it.

Eventually Harry and Lous join us. While Sanne gets all the food together.

"That is eggs and bacon for Ziam. Some toast with Nutella for Fessica. And some eggs, toast and bacon for me. " Sanne says sitting down

"Where is our food" Harry asks.

"Well not here as you can see" Sanne smiles. They huff and walk away getting there own food.

"Who's Fessica" Niall asks

Good question. I want to know that too. Because if it's one of her own made shipnames. Then I'll tell her personally that shipnames aren't really her thingy.

"Jessica and Femke. Fe from Femke. And Essica from Jessica. I am smart isn't it. " Sanne explains

"Umm not really. Fessica just doesn't sound babe. I'm so sorry" Jessica says.

"And here I was thinking we had something special." Sanne huffs

"But we do have something special. We are sisters but not by blood. Because god knew that our mums couldn't handle us together. And even as friends they can't handle us" Jessica smiles

"Okay forgiven"

"Wow. That was quick. " Niall looks shocked

"We know" They say.

I could've said Sessica or Janne. But the first one is just so wrong in so many ways. And the second one is okay. But that like wow. And this sentence is so weird in so many ways.



I know. It's been long. And I'm sorry.

This year is my exam year. So school is really important now. But I still hope Sanne will make my Maths homework. 'Cause it's stupid and hard. And stupid.

My other story will be updated very soon :)







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