Chapter 10

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Sanne’s P.O.V                 

Today we’re going to meet up with an old friend. We met him on a vacation with just us three. Our parents didn’t like it but when we told them we met some people who were very nice and a few years older than us they liked it. His name is Josh and he’s 20. He’s gay. Every time we see him he always drags us to go shopping with him. Not that we mind. He’s not one of the persons you expect to be gay. I actually had a crush on him when we first met. But I got over it eventually.

“CAN YOU BELIEVE IT.” Jessica screams.

“BELIEVE WHAT” Femke screams back.


“Now you’re the one screaming” Jessica pouts. I really want to slap her sometimes and now is one of those moments.

“Believe what” Femke asks again.

“That we’re going to see Josh again. it’s been almost a year. We can go shopping and to the carnival and watch movies have sleepovers. He can do our make up before school and also our hair……..” Jessica rambles until I put my hand over her mouth. She start licking it and tries to bite me.

“If you think that licking and biting my hand is going to work you’re so wrong. I’ve eaten food that you’ve liked at a few times idiot” I say.

“Ew gross. You seriously did that?” Femke asks. I nod. Ah the look of disgust I like that one in a moment like this.

“Yes I did.” I say.


“Yes” I groan

“I do not believe you”

“ Wow, thank you. So much for being friends”

“You still have me” We hear behind us. I let go of Jessica and push her out of my way.

“JOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I shout running towards him. Not noticing the boy next to him I jump and hug him.

“It’s good to see ya” He says.

“Aye, share the love women” Jessica yells.

Josh puts me down and opens his arms for Jessica and Femke to hug him. They run full speed towards him and tackle him to the ground. Now you would expect them to let go. But no they didn’t. Being to normal people they are, they just hugged him on the floor. Which is very normal right?

“ How are my beautiful girls doing?” Joshie asks. Standing up.

“Well I’m good. Don’t know about these two I think they fell on their heads a few times. Or they fell out of trees knowing Jessica. And Femke probably fell out of bed a few times.” I say.

“I did not fell out of bed”

“Of course not. You fell when I woke you up this morning and all the other mornings I woke you up.”

“ That’s not true” Femke mumbles looking at the ground.

“I fell out of bed too a few times if that can make you feel better” Josh says.

“A bit” She answers.

“Oh. I want you to meet my boyfriend Joey” Josh says pointing to the boy next to him who looks kind of nervous.

“Hey. I’m Jessica. I like to shop and dance. But also sleepovers and doing other people’s make up. Can you do someone’s make up or hair and are you a ninja” The girl jumps up and down.

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