Chapter 21

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Niall's P.O.V

I can't conctrate on the movie. I keep repeatinf what Femke said in my head 'my parents don't like me that much'. What does she mean by that? I don't want to ask 'cause I don't want to hurt her.

Zayn's idea to pay for the girls is a very good idea. Without them it wouldn't be fun. There isn't a moment that goes by and they're serious. They actually are three little idiots who are also very nice

"Horan keep your eyes on the movie and not on the girl" Louis throws some popcorn my way.

"Shut it Tomlinson. You do it all the time. And the girl has a name!" I give him the finger.

"Could you two keep it down. I'm trying to watch a movie in peace with my beautiful girlfriend. Thank you very much". Harry snaps. Jessica looks up and kisses his cheek. He looks down smiles and kisses her nose in return. She blushes and goes back to watching the movie.

I look at Louis. 'I'm watching you' he mouths and makes this weird eyes.

"Shouldn't we be packing bags instead of watching movies?" Sanne asks

"No all you have to do is get your ass over her so I can cuddle you" Louis says

"No sir" She salutes him and walks off. Jessica and Femke look at each other and nod. They jump up and ran after Sanne. Grabbing her arms and pulling her up tje stairs.

"Holy sweet pizza of god. Let me go."She yells

I need to remember this one. Holy sweet pizza of god. Nice one blondie.

Femke's P.O.V

"And why did I get the honors of being dragged upstairs?" Sanne asks

"Because we love you" Jessica hugs Sanne very tight may I say so.

"Can't breathe. Need to breathe. Will die. Help!" Dramatic much.

"Girls serious!" I yell

"Yes mom" Jessica says and gives Sanne some space to breathe

"We can't let them pay for our trip. Yes we are friends and they have money. But it also feels like using them. At least that's me I feel" I say

"Yeah but if we don't pay tomorrow we can't go to Paris. Paris baby!!" Jessica shouts the last part

"No we can't. But we have our dance competetion in a week. And if we win that we all get 5.000 euro. Which means we can pay our trip. And if we explain that to the head. He hopefuly will understand and let us go." I say


"Thank you" I say

"You're welcome baaaAAAAAAA" Sanne suddenly screams and jumps on the bed.

"Why are you..... HOLY FUCKING PATATO OF FUCKING APPLES THAT'S A HUGE SPIDER!!!!" I scream jumping on the bed.

"What spider? Where spider? Who spider?" Jessica asks jumping next to us

We stand huddled together on Harry's bed. Yeah wer're in his room. But that's only because it was de first room we saw. Until the door opens.

"What's with all the screaming here... okay get it. Call police! Call FBI!" Louis says running in Harry's room and jumping on top of his desk.

"Louis you're the man." Sanne shouts

"Call Harry" he says

"Call him yourself"

"Yes girlfriend".

"Weirdo" Sanne mutters

"Heyyy Haz. Yeah I'm in your room. And there's a MOTHERFUCKING HUGE SPIDER. SO YOU BETTER GET YOUR FAT ASS UP HERE OR I'LL SHAVE YOU CURLS OFF IN YOUR SLEEP!" Louis screams the last part so hard I'm sure they could hear it downstairs withour phone.

"And all we have to do is wait now" Louis says proud.

"Superman is coming" We hear Harry scream before we hear him running upstairs

"I'm superman" Louis pouts as Harry walks in the room

"Than why are you standing on top of my desk and are you not helping us" I ask throwing a pillow at him.

"Where is the spider. My little girl" Harry asks Louis

"There" Louis points across the room " In your laptop."

"Dude that is not even as big as my fingernail" Harry laughs.

"Yeah that's what I said" Sanne says getting of the bed.

Jessica and I look at each other than at Sanne and than each other again

"You were the first one screaming" Jessica says

"Did not"

"Did do"

"Did not"

"Did do"

"You did" i say already getting tired of them. It always ends not talking to each other for a day. And than they make me chose between one of them.



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