Chapter 28

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Jessica's P.O.V

"HARRRRYYYYYYYY!!! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED WE'RE ALREADY LATE FOR SCHOOL" I scream. jumping on his bed to wake him up.

"Go away. We won't do anything today. Only sitting on a bus to Paris. Shut up." He mumbles with his head in a pillow.

"Well the bus leaves in twenty minutes and I WILL go to Paris today" I say pulling his blankets away.

"Nooooo" He whines trying to reach for his blanket.


Harry's eyes widen and he falls out of bed.

"UP UP. NO NEED TO BRING THE I DON'T KNOW IT'S NAME THINGY" Harry yells down the hall before getting some clothes and running in the bathroom. Not even 10 seconds later I can hear a shower.

"You got him up?!?!" Niall walks by looking surprised

"Yes" I say not getting it.

"Harry never gets up when we wake him. It's horrible. Learn me how you do that"

"Well then I wish you good luck with Femke. She won't get up until breakfast is ready. And if it around noon you better have pizza ready. Just so you know" Sanne says standing next to me with some chocolate chips in her hand and mouth.

"First. Don't talk with a full mouth. Second ..." Getting cut of by Niall screaming.


"Uh oh. I say run" I push Sanne away from me into the hallway and towards the stairs.

"SANNNNNNNEEEEEEER" Niall screams running after her.

"Niall shut up people are trying to sleep" Liam yells from his and Zayn's room.

"How can you sleep we're going to Paris in a few minutes. Hello people PARIS!!" Femke says walking giving me a hug before dissapearing downstairs.

I hear a 'shit' and a 'get up or no more kisses for you' from Liam's room before the door swings open and Liam runs into me bringing us both to the ground.

"What are you doing on the ground. Come on it's Paris time" Liam says. Yeah it's not like you pushed me down only a second ago.

"No I'm good. Nothing hurts. Thanks for helping me up." I say getting up myself before walking downstairs.

Holy mother...

"WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED HERE" I shouts. The kitchen looks like a huge storm has happenend. Everywhere is floor even on Sanne, Niall and Femke.

"We wanted to bake chocolate cookies" Nialls says as if the kitchen isn't a total disaster.

"Don't play innocent with me. You better clean this up. I want to leave in fiffteen minutes." I say sternly

"Yes mom" They chorus

Niall's P.O.V

"This is all your fault" Sanne says trying to get floor of the walls and not on the ground.

"Why mine" I ask.

"I don't know. It has to be someone's fault so it chose it should be your fault since it's your house" She says. Hmm smart thoughts.

"Do I even want to know what happened here" Liam asks walking in the kitchen.

"Unless you want to help get out" Sanne says pushing him out.

"Liam make sure we have enough pills for Zayn" I shout after him.

"Hurry up. I want to leave. We can call a cleaning thing to clean this up" Harry's says getting impatient.

"Why didn't we think of that" Sanne asks me.

"Because you don't think when you don't want to think. Which is actually every second of the day" Femke says

"I thought we were friends" Sanne fake cries

"I thought you loved me" I fake cry too.

"I'm here for you Sanne. We can make it through this together. I can feel the pain" I say.

"Little kids" Femke mutters rolling her eyes and walking away.

"PARIS HERE I COME" Jessica shouts running out of the door. Well someone is excited.


It been like a thousand years. Sorrrryyyyy.

I'll be updating me other story this week. And I have vacation so I have to much free time so I'll write more.

I can not believe it to say that next year I'll be doing my exams. Feels so weird to say it.





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