chapter 17

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Harry’s P.O.V

I’m running late for my date. I would blame Niall because of his story time. But it’s my own fault because I wanted to hear it.

I’m speeding down the street, hoping to not get caught by police. Car drivers are honking at me for driving so reckless but I don’t care. I can’t mess this date up.

Skip car ride.

I park in front of Jessica’s house and jump out of my seat. Almost falling over my legs I stop at the front door.  I lean against it to calm down when the door opens and I fall on the ground face first. Ouch. That hurt.

“You okay, Haz” Jessica asks laughing. I nod.

“Perfect way to pick up a girl.” Sanne says sitting on my back.

“ Could you get off me. I’m not a chair” I say slightly annoyed.

“I could. But you’re being mean right now. So I think I’ll just stay seated” She says crossing her arms.

“ Sanne if you get off him I’ll buy you whatever you want”  Jessica says.

“ No matter of expensive?” She asks.

“As long as it’s not more than 100 pounds I’m good” Jess says.

“Deal” Sanne says getting off my back and walking away.

“ Sorry about that. She isn’t always like this” Jessica says helping me off the ground.

“ It’s okay. When you’re friends with Louis you get used to it” I say smiling. She laughs.

“You look beautiful” I say softly.

“Thanks. You too” Jessica blushes. That’s too cute.

“May I” I ask nodding towards her hand. She blushes and nods.

I take her hand in mine and pull her gently towards my car. I open the passenger door for her and wait till she is seated before I close the door and jog towards the driver seat.

“Will you tell me now where we’re going” Jess asks.

“It’s a surprise and if I’ll tell you it would be ruined. Sorry”

“I hate surprises” She pouts.

“Sorry” I say taking one hand of the wheel and put it on top of hers.

She blushes again. Cutie.

“Can you put on some music”

“Sure” I say

Little Mix Word Up comes on the radio and we start to sing with the song on the top of our voices.

We're coming up

K-k-k-k-keep it

Keep it coming up

So do your dance

Do your dance

Do your dance quick, mama

Come on, baby

Tell me what's the word


Yo pretty ladies around the world

Got a weird thing to show you

So tell all the boys and girls

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