Chapter 23

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Zayn's P.O.V

Another day of school finished. The boys and I are trying to hide that we're friends again with the girls despite management. And I hope they'll never find out. Because then we're in some deep shit.

This is the first evening since we've met them that they aren't at our house. Well the second exctually. The evening of our 'fight' they weren't here too. But we are trying to forget about that.

"What are we going to do when Mark finds out about this? You know us dating them?" Harry asks.

"Well we can't do much. They want to drop us if they find out. All they want is money and if me lose fans we get less money. And Marka want the money. He doesn't care about us or our feelings " Louis says

"Stupid Mark. Stupid management. Stupid fame." Harry mutters

Faggot. Get over here. Without the boys! -Mark

Shit. Not now. What does he want anyway? How do I get out without someone coming with me?

"I'm going for a walk" I say standing up.

"I'll come with you babe" Liam says

"Uh. No. I want to go alone" I say

"You sure. Something wrong?" Stupid Liam always noticing when something is wrong.

"Uhh. No. Just need to clear my mind" I say before running out.

At management!

I'm scared to go inside. What will happen?

"Come on Zayn man up" I say to myself.

"You're strong you know how to fight" I say

"No your not. You're stupid and disgusting. Now get inside fag" Mark shouts out the window. Guess he's waiting for me.

Okay scared now. I'm about to walk inside when I see a boy/girl standing next to a tree in very dark clothes. He's/she's watching the building I'm standing in front of. Why would this boy/girl be in the middle of nowhere in the evening almost night.

I shrug and run inside, Four stairs up and stop in front of the big brown wooden door. I take a breath before I walk inside

"Took you long enough" Mark says.

"I know about you dating that other fag. And i don't like it. When the media finds out you're fucked. And to be nice I'll kick you out of the band." And he calls that nice. Btw Liam is not a fag.

"Nothing to say pretty boy?" Mark snarls

"Awnser me" Mark shouts punching me in the face.

"Nothing to say?" He whispers grabbing my neck and stopping me from having air in my lungs.

"Still nothing to say faggot?" He picks me up by my shirt and throws me against the wall.

Jessica's P.O.V

"Dude he saw you. We wanted to go unnoticed. Way to go girl" I slap Sanne on the back of her head.

"Why do you always slap me?" Sanne pouts

"Stop the bickering. Did you forget why we're here?" Femke says standing between us.

"Nope I did not forget it. It was because Liam sended us a worrief text saying.

'Zayn run out of the house after a text we think it was from management but we can't leave. Paul won't let us go. Please go and look if Zayn is there. You have the adress'

And that is why we're standing here in the middle of nowhere because their management had to be in a house in the woods" Sanne says

"Smart girl. Now let's focus on our job and not on smacking each other" Femke says

"Yes mom. But what are we going to do" Sanne asks

"Well we can't just walk in and ask 'Hey is Zayn Malik here' first that's weird and second they will think we're some crazy fans" I say

"We can. But what are you trying to say" Femke asks

"I'm trying to say. We should go as ninja's. We can climb in this tree than we can jump on the roof and the only thing we have to do then is to find the firestairs every building has and vòla. We're inside" I say

"And you think I can do that?" Sanne asks

"Well...." I say

"What. Are you trying to say I can't?" She says

"I would never. You can do anything." I say

"Sure" Sanne says turning her back to me.

"Here have a chocolate chip cookie" Femke says offering Sanne one. When did she buy those.

"How did you get them" I ask

"I brought them from home. You know I can't let my cookies home. What they die" Femke says

"They won't die. Nobody's home so nobody can eat them" I say. What a little kid

"There could be a robber in her house right now. What if he would eat them" Yes Sanne I would help her too.

"Could we please go back to our Zayn situation" I say

"So are we really climbing" Sanne asks

"Yesssss" Femke and I groan. Sanne puts her hands up in defense.

"Woah calm your tits down girls"

"I,ll go first" I say.

I put my food on a big rock to reach a part of the tree where I can stand. I pull myself up and sit down.

"Okay who's next?" I ask

"How did you do that. It was like magic. You went from woosh woosh woo and then you were like tada. " Sanne says making these weird hand guesters

"Sanne's goes first" Femke says pushing Sanne forward.

"Woah. Wait. What. Do I get anything to say in this" She asks

"No. Now go" Femke says

"Jees. Yes mom. No mom. Okay mom. Will do mom. " Sanne mutters

"Heard that"

"Sorry mom"

Why did I have to bring them. They aren't always like this. Only every day. But that's not always. Right?


Hello again

Lovely seeing you here. You people are very lucky I'm updating because I have tests everyday and also next week.








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