Chapter 27

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Liam's P.O.V

Not knowing if Zayn was okay or not was the worst thing I've ever felt in my life. You go crazy because you're scared he'll die. Or something bad. And than hearing the doctor telling his injuries. Makes you realize how much a person can mean to you. How hurt and sad and worried he can make you feel. And in only a matter of seconds he can make you happy and relaxed. That's just weird but also awesome

"Is Zayn still coming to Paris" Jessica asks as she comes and sit next to me on the ground with her back against Zayn's bed. No surprise she's here.

"Yeah. The doctor said to keep a pillow beneath his back and then everything will be okay" I sigh quite happy nothing bad has happened

"Are you okay. I mean Zayn is hurt. But you're his boyfriend. It hits you hard too all of this"

"I just feel that I could've done something. I mean I asked you to go after Zayn. Then I put you in danger. What would've happened if I went after Zayn myself. Would he end up at the hospital too."

"Liam. You tried to help. You didn't know this would've happened. Even if you went after him. It could've still happenend. It doesn't matter. And he isn't mad at you is he? "


"No he isn't"

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Don't worry to much about him okay? He's a strong boy. He hates it when you're worried about him. He doesn't tell it but it's in his eyes. It hurts him to see you so upset about something you couldn't do anything about. " Jessica says.

Wow. I never saw that. He never told me or acted like he hated it.

" I can't promise anything. But I'll try" I say

"Thank you" Jessica hugs me before walking out of the room and closing the door quitly.

Do I really worry to much. I just care a lot about other people.

"Li" Zayn mumbles.

I look up and see he's still asleep. I smile at the thought he's dreaming about me. I climb next to him and enterwines our hands. Zayn turns around in his sleep and cuddles into me. He holds my shirt thight in his fist as is I would leave anytime soon.

I try to pry his hand lose but he only squeezes my shirt harder.

"Li" He whimpers. Tears starting to leak from his closed eyes. Okay now I'm not so happy about what he's dreaming

"Zayn. Ssshhh. I'm here. It's me Liam. Wake up. Please for me" I whisper in his ear.

"Please don't let him hurt me Li" Still asleep. And I think I know what he's dreaming about. Mark.

"Zaynie. Wake up. For me. Wake up. I love you"

"Liam" Zayn shouts suddenly awake and hugging me desperatly.

"It's okay I'm here. It was an nightmere. You don't have to talk about it. Only when you're ready." I say holding him as close ad I can.

"Need you here. Scared. Mark" He stutters out.

"I won't ever leave. I will never leave you alone. Me and you against Mark. Got that. And we have the boys and the girls." I whisper in his ear as his breathing becomes more steady. Still not good but it's getting better.

"Follow my breathing and try to do the same. Can you do that for me" i can feel him nodding. Good.

After a few minutes of him copying my breath he's asleep again. Cuddled into me. Not looking like he would let go soon. I don't care.

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