Chapter 6

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Liam’s P.O.V

We’ll slept horrible last night. I woke up every hour or something. Every time I woke up the others were still awake except Zayn. I think they went to sleep at 5AM or something. When I woke up this morning I had to hold back a very MANLY’ squeal. Harry, Louis and Niall were all cuddled with the girls they like which means Niall and Femke, Harry and Jessica and Sanne and Louis. I have a picture of it.

When I went downstairs to make so breakfast I saw a little note on the counter top.

‘Dear Femke,

As you know I’m going on a business trip for a few weeks maybe months. Every week I will send enough money to get food and other important stuff. Sometimes a bit more money because I know how much food you need when you have your friends over. Don’t throw party’s. When you get a boyfriend he isn’t allowed to  sleep over and make sure you call me every evening. Mom is with me as always. We both love you and we’ll see you soon.

Love Dad’

I think she already broke the kind of boyfriend rule. I mean she’s cuddling with a boy in her room, both asleep, and the boy likes her.

When I woke up the others I got six pillows to my head. Femke, Jessica and Sanne threw them. Zayn almost kicked me in the balls. Harry shouted ‘Shut up’ and Louis threw the dvd case of mean girls. I think they should me a movie with Louis with the name ‘Mean boys’ and not mean girls.

Right now Sanne and Femke are fighting who can go shower after Jessica is finished. And let me tell you it’s pretty amusing.

“It’s my house, I deserve to go after Jess’’

“I take longer then you”


“If we’re going to be late for school then it’s your fault”

“Shower faster than”

“ I’m a girl I need time”

“I’m a girl too”


“No my life has been a joke. Of course I’m a girl. If you haven’t noticed I have boobs and have that stupid thing called a period every month and I’m 100% sure I don’t have a dick”

“You sure”

“YES” Femke shouts.

They’re pretty funny when there like this. I’m glad the boys and I already have showered.

“If you keep shouting at each other then you can’t shower anymore and we’re going to be late.” Jessica says as she walks into the kitchen. She looks cute. She’s wearing a black skirt with a white jumper with black hearts on it.

“Sometimes I really hate you , you know that” Sanne says.

“Yeah I know. You tell me every day that you hate me” Jessica smiles.

“Where Femke?” Sanne asks looking around. Her eyes go wide and she runs upstairs.

“I wanted to shower first, bitch” We here Sanne shouting.

“Liam look at this.” Louis runs into the kitchen with a bouncing ball. He throws it on the ground and catches it.

“ I want to play with it” Jessica yells excited. She throws it to the ground but doesn’t catch it so she starts to run after it like a little child.

“Good to know how we can keep you busy” Harry says from the counter top.

“Harry get your ass of it. People have to coock on it” I scold him.

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