Chapter 9

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Mark’s P.O.V

Management meeting.

I don’t want these boys to make friends with anyone here and definitely not when they’re girls. And I’ll make sure it’s going to end tonight. I don’t care about their feelings. I don’t need those little fuckers to feel at home in this country, village and school.

Right now I’m waiting for the boys to arrive and I think they have because I can hair very loud talking and laughing. The door opens and they walk in.

“But did you hear them today. They were so sassy and kept talking back to everyone” Louis laughs.

“Boys shut up and sit down” I say angry

They quieten down and sit down in the leather chair on the other end of the table.

“Let’s get straight to the point. I don’t want you hanging out with these girls anymore. You’re here to learn and get more publicity and not to make friends and fall I love with them in the end” 

“ You can’t tell us what to do with our personal life” Liam says.

“Yes I can gay boy” 

“ I’m not fucking gay” Liam shouts. 

“Sure you aren’t. There’s an interview tonight and you’re going to say that these girls are just some crazy fans and that they mean nothing to you.”

“They won’t watch the interview when they don’t know about it” Niall says.

“ They do know about it because an old friend of them in interviewing you and they would meet up before the show.”

“ You can’t do this” Harry yells.

“Yes I can and I’ll do it whenever I want. And that is today” I state.

“Now get up. Paul is waiting in the van with Preston” Tom, another manager, says.

The boys nod and walk away.

“Zayn can you stay for a few minutes. The boys will wait for you. Oh and boys if I ever see a picture with you and one of those girls you can say bye bye One Direction ” I say.

He nods and walks back inside.

“I saw you looking at Liam and I know Zayn. But just to let you know I hate people who are gay so you better change or you can leave the band.” 

“I can’t change who I am. If I’m gay then I’m gay. You can’t change me” 

“Well then all I can do is to beat the gay out of you” I say punching him in his face.

He tries to punch me back by swinging his fist . 

“Wrong move, pretty boy” I say.

I kick him in his balls and he falls to the ground. I give a few good kicks in his stomach until he has trouble with breathing. 

“Stand up.” I spit in his face

He tries to stand up but falls back on the floor every time. Pathetic kid he is.

“You better make sure to get your ass out of this building and don’t get late for the interview.” I say and walk away.

Zayn’s P.O.V

I try to get up but it hurts so much. I lay on the ground for a few more minutes until I try to stand up again. I wince every time I move. This is going to be a long trip towards the car. But I can do it.

All I can think about right now is how did he find out about it? Because I’m really sure I wasn’t that obvious about it. I mean the boys never said they something about it. Or they knew but didn’t want to tell me. 

“Zayn what took you so long” Liam asks.

“Nothing. Had to take a piss and Mark wanted to know if I heard what he said ‘cause he thought I wasn’t listening or something” I lie.

“You sure” He asks.

“Yes Liam” I groan. He looks unconvinced but nods and turns to his conversation with Louis again.

Great only one stool free and that’s the stool in the back where you have to sit alone without anyone else around you. But right now that’s all I want. Some alone time. I sigh and try to climb in the van and sit down without showing the pain I feel. Harry looks weird at me when I sit down very slow. I close the door and put my earphones in to block out the boys. I get my art book from my bag and start to doodle some drawings of Liam and I hold hands, kissing and cuddling. I make sure to shield it away from the boys. 

“ ZAYN JAVADD MALIK IS THAT BLOOD ON YOUR PANTS?” Liam screeches. Never knew he could  his voice that high. I shake my head and turn back to my drawing. In the corner of my eye I see Liam climbing over the seats towards me. I quickly put my book away and turn my music louder so I can’t hear him talking.

“Is that blood?” Liam asks now ripping my earphones out.

“ No Liam it isn’t. it’s just some paint from art class.” I lie. Again.

“Zayn you know you can tell me anything. Don’t shut me out.” He whispers. I look dumbfound at him. What does he knows about me that I haven’t told him.

“I’m not stupid Zayn. You’ve been ignoring me through class and at lunch you didn’t talk to me and Niall told me about what happened in the bathroom and that you wanted to talk to Femke and not him. Or me. That hurts Zayn . I feel like you start to hate us or something” 

“I don’t hate you. I just need some time to think” I spat at Liam and rip my earphone out of his hands. 

Liam looks shocked but right now I don’t care. I’ve got my own problems. I’m scared as hell to get beaten up again. At my old school they would always beat me up for no reason. And when I didn’t do their homework I would get a more painful beating which got cigarette burns  on my stomach and it got me tons of cuts. Most of my tattoos cover them but not all.  I don’t need Mark to continue it for me when everything just go better for me. I’m happy again and I can smile my true smile and it isn’t a forced fake one.

I still have to talk with Femke and maybe Jessica and Sanne. I want them to help me. They are girls and every girl loves a boy who’s gay. Right?  They love to talk about boys and someone’s love life. Maybe they can help me with my feelings towards Liam. But I’m sure that after this interview they will hate me and will never talk to me again and then they won’t help me and I won’t know what to do.


Hey. Already chapter 9.

I’m so happy. I’ve got 75 reads and 32 votes already. Thank you so much. I love it.

Now I’ve been thinking to put my old story online again. I removed it because I was stuck but my inspiration is back I want to continue it. What should I do. It’s a One Direction fanfic.

It’s about a girl who gets bullied a lot at school and get beat up at home. Her only reason she is still alive is her guitar. She meets a boy in the park close to school and they start talking. When it gets late he offers to bring her home. She says she can’t go home so he offers her to stay at his place. She agrees after a moment and goes home with him. They spent more and more time together and friends. Of course she meets his friends and they love her. 

This story is all about the romance. But I warn you if you cannot read a story about suicide and abusing you should not read this.

I don’t know if I should post it or not. So you have to help me.

Thank you

Lots of love.

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