Chapter 4

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Jessica’s P.O.V

When Harry and I fell, I thought that everything would get awkward between us. But nothing changed. He still acts like the idiot he is. Sanne and Femke were  teasing me the whole day. Sometimes they’re so annoying. I’ve never told you how I’ve met them. STORY TIME!

I met Sanne when I was at day-care. If was three at the time. And she pushed met in the mud. While I was crying she was laughing. I was crying because my favourite dress was ruined. So I picked up some mud and threw it in her face. Then she was the one who was crying and I was the one who was laughing. And that was the begin of our beautiful friendship.

I met Femke in my second year of high school. I was 14 at the time, Sanne 13. They put us together in a class. They told me to sit next to her in Science. At first she was very quiet but then I got to know her and she got very loud. But the day when we became friends was the day I shared my chocolate chip cookies with her. Yep her and food is real love. Nothing can break that.


We had a really fun day the eight of us. We went to Tyne Cot Cemetery in Passchendaele. And in Ypres we went to an ice cream shop.  They have delicious ice. I would go back only for the ice cream.

Harry and I have lost the others a few times. The first time was when I had to tie my shoe laces and they wouldn’t wait for us. But I could’ve fell like Fem. So that was mean. The second time was when Harry fell over his big clumsy feet. I was dying of laughter and they decided that to walk farther and not to wait and ask Harry if  he was okay. I could’ve walked with them, but Harry was sitting on the ground with a cute little pout. So I just had to wait for him to get up.  The third time was when some Directioners had  found out the boys where in Ypres so we had to run. Everybody had to run in different directions. Louis and Sanne went in the direction of an music store we saw on our way. Liam and Zayn ran to the church. Don’t ask me why. Probably to pray for those fans to go away. Niall and Femke went in the direction of the ice cream shop. Typical, wouldn’t expect something different from them. And Harry and I ran in a restaurant and he ran straight to the boys bathroom and he held me hand so I was in the boys bathroom too. I think I’m shocked for life. Lucky for me there weren’t boys in the loo.

We found each other back after an hour or two. And this time it wasn’t our fault only it was Niall’s fault most because he screamed “Look Liam they have candy store here” And that’s when the screaming started. His fault. Definitely.

And the fourth and last time was when I was looking shoes outside a window and Harry being the gentleman he is, waited for me. But we found them back looking at candy.

Femke almost fell into the water where our bus would be picking us up. Her and Niall were pushing each other and then she almost fell. Harry did fell in it. He was typing on his phone and I pushed him and he fell. It was very funny he looked pissed and when he asked who it was I put my hand up en he suddenly wasn’t mad anymore he just stared to smile. Such a weird person if you ask me. But he’s hot and sweet and caring and I think I’m going insane right now.

At the end of the day I had sore feet and was really tired. So harry gave me a piggyback back to the bus. Apparently I was asleep on Harry’s back when we arrived at the bus. Can you blame me I had to walk a whole day and I’m a lazy person. After school and on Saturday and Sunday I always lay in my bed and do nothing. So this day was very hard for me. I even had to get up early. Stupid school.

Sanne and Femke have pictures of me asleep on their phone but won’t show me. So it was ignoring them the whole trip back home. And let me tell you they were very annoying. They were constantly poking me. They stopped when I slapped them in their faces. Then they became more annoying because they started pouting and fake crying because I slapped them and then Niall said “ Jessica is a mean person. Don’t worry I will  protect you.” I swear I saw Femke blushing then.

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