Chapter 5

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Femke’s P.O.V

It’s 11:58PM and I still haven’t told Jessica why I was crying on the bus. I hope she was joking about coming to my house at midnight. I don’t think she would do that. I’m still a bit shaken up from the almost car accident. I’m glad Niall pushed me to the side. I really didn’t want to be hit. After that happened I just walked home like nothing had happened. I shut everybody out who has tried to talk to me after school. I ignored my phone going off with tons of text messages.

Niall, Sanne, Zayn and Jessica have been texting me nonstop. But I never answered any of them. Then Liam, Harry and Louis started texting too. And I still didn’t respond. Then they started calling but I hung up on them. Do they not understand I want to be alone for a while.

The main reason I’m ignoring them is because my mom and dad are fighting again and they scream very loud. I’m surprised the neighbours haven’t come to ask what’s all the noise. They also throw plates, lamps and photo frames towards each other. And let me tell you that’s not very nice to know.

This morning I managed to dodge a plate and stood in between them. That’s when they started shouting at me. That was also the reason why I was crying on the bus. I’m really glad that my parents are both going on a business trip in two days for god knows how long.


What the fudge was that.

‘tap, tap, tap’

There it is again. It’s coming from outside. I sigh and get up from my comfortable position on my bed. There outside my window a story below are standing seven idiots. I did expect Sanne because she would go to a story to buy Ben and Jerry’s at 3PM. I didn’t expect the boys nor Jessica. Jessica likes her sleep so I’m surprised she’s standing here and I don’t know the boys that good only for a day. So it won’t be like the really care about us.

They all wave at me. I shake my head and walk away back to my bed. They start to throw and shout for me to open my window. Hell to the no. They can’t see me like this. Baggy clothes, make-up all over my face from crying and hair all over the place. HELL TO THE NO!

“Femke if don’t open this window right now. I’m using my ninja skills and climb up and open it myself .” Jessica shouts. Do not ask me about her ninja skills there crazy. She will sneak up behind you and scares you. Or she climbs in trees. On pipes next to houses and that kind of stuff.

“I’ve got food” Sanne shouts. Of course you have that.

“We can have a sleepover. I have food and movies.” Louis shouts. Wtf, weird boy.

‘Go away I don’t want your help’ I text all of them.

‘I don’t care if you don’t want our help. U need our help’ Niall texts back.

‘Do you think I would ignore my bed for someone I don’t care about, wrong open up.’ Zayn texts

“ You guys are so annoying” I say when I open my window.

Sanne and Jessica cheer. I smile and shake my head.

“You better be happy that I’m standing here because it’s cold and I have a cold” To prove it Sanne coughs a bit.

“Open this stupid door and let us inside” Louis shouts.

“ Louis shut your mouth. Be nice or she won’t let us in. we’re talking about Femke here, she’s a very stubborn girl.” Sanne scolds him.

“Bye” I say.

“ Noooooooo, I’m sorry. You door is very sweet and lovely and you aren’t stupid.” Louis says very dramatic as I close my window.

“Ey! Open it again. That isn’t very nice” Harry says.

“Well then I will close this door again” I say from behind them.

Let me explain me room and the back door are opposite from each other. I have to go down the stairs trough the hall. Then trough the living room and last but not least through the kitchen which is my favourite place in the house. My boyfriend lives there also. The fridge. AND we have a lot of candy and chocolate there.

“NO. I’m cold. Please let us in.” Louis pouts

“ Why are you still standing there then.” I ask.

Sanne pushes me aside and runs inside. I have no idea where she went. And I think I don’t even want to know that.

“So which movie do you want to watch. I have love actually, the revenge of the bride maids, mean girls, the season box of pretty little lairs and paranormal activity 4” Louis says.

“ I want paranormal activity.” Sanne says as I spot her on MY bed all CUDDLED up in MY blankets.

Girl I would watch it. One wrong move in that bed and you’re dead. No joke.

“Okay so its paranormal activity” Niall says making himself comfortable against my bed.

One wrong against that bed and your also dead pretty boy.

A few minutes in the movie I was already scared shitless. Somewhere around the ten minutes I snatched my duvet from my bed and cuddled into it and used it as a shield.

After twenty minutes Sanne, Jessica and I were all huddled together under my duvet. We were all hugging each other and screaming every few seconds. This was a bad movie choice. I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight. The last time we watched a horror movie. I didn’t sleep for four days. Sanne and Jessica didn’t sleep for two weeks.

Louis really screams like a girl. Harry literally pissed his pants. Ziall is hugging each other to death and Liam is crying. These boys aren’t as bad as you think. They’re really softies.

After an hour the boys tried to get under the duvet but we can’t fit there under with three so definitely not with eight. In the end we all ended up cuddled to one boy. Jessica and Harry. Sanne and Louis. Niall and I. And of course Liam and Zayn because they are lonely.

At one moment Liam shut off the movie and we just started talking about ourselves and stuff. Niall was silently strumming my guitar. I have an guitar. I can play it not very good but I can. Niall offered to give me guitar lessons whenever I want. Of course I said yes. Sanne was winking at me and Jessica was making kissing faces with Harry towards us. Little kids.

Liam and Zayn fell asleep against each other around 3AM. We do have school tomorrow but who cares I always sleep in the class. That’s very normal for me the teacher don’t even bother to say something about it anymore.



My computer shut itself off so I didn’t upload yesterday sorry,

Maybe another part is up tonight but that will be very late.




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