Chapter 2

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Sanne’s  P.O.V

Today the new students are coming and I must say they chose the perfect day because we’re going to Ypres today.  This day is going to be fun, but I’m so tired. I love my sleep and these people want me to come out of my bed early just so they can have a full day there. Ugh stupid school. And the worst thing you have to make groups of 2 and not 3. So we have a Problemo.

While I’m almost asleep against the bus window I see Femke walking half death towards me. Either she’s tired or sick. Or both.

“Hey sleepyhead” Jess has arrived.

“Sssh sleeping here. If you want me annoyed the whole day then you should speak. If you want me happy then you should sleep with me. Goodnight, love you”

“As long as I can use your shoulder as pillow I’m good.”

“Just because I love you you can.” I really do love her. She is a beautiful girl with long black her and brown dip dyed towards the end. She not really tall. But I’m not tall either. And she’s skinny .

“Is it just me or do I really have the feeling Fem is going to fall in the next two minutes towards the bus”

“Nope Jess it’s not only you. I have that feeling too”

We watch for a little while to confess if our feelings are right. And we were right because just as Femke was about to cross the street she falls over her shoelace. Before she hits the ground two arms catch her. I can’t see who it is. All I can see is that it is a boy. Pretty hot as far as I can see.

“He looks familiar for some reason. What do you think Jess.”

After not getting an response I look over and see she’s asleep. Thanks for your help girl.

“Hi” Fem has arrived.

“ Hey. You do not look very happy” I comment

“No shit”

“Something wrong”

“No. I’m fine” She always says that when something is wrong but I know better than to ask farther.

Slowly the bus started to become fuller and louder so no sleeping for me but I was quite happy and awake so I don’t really care about it right now.

“Good morning annoying and not annoying kids. It’s good to see all of you here. As you can see we have some new kids in the back. “ Great miss White is on our bus. Wait did she say new kids?

“OMG Jess do you see them too or am I dreaming”

“I can see them too. You’re not dreaming babe.”


That’s One Direction in the back. They’re in my new class. I cannot freak out.  I’m not some crazy fan. I don’t want to scare them.

“Sann Sann SANN” Ouch Femke that’s my ear.

“great someone is back to earth.”

“I think I’m deaf. Thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome”

“Only Sadie from Awkward can say that because it makes her look like a chicken” Yep Jess loves to watch awkward.

“Girls if you could shut up for a minute, I would really like that” And I would like if you would disappear for a minute. Mean. But hey, that’s who I am.

“As I was saying we have five new kids. As you can see the boys of One Direction. I hope you will treat them like normal persons and be nice. Also boys I don’t like when people sit in the very back so can you come to the front there are enough seats free”

The boys groan and walk to the front with annoyed faces.

 “You can sit here if you want I don’t bite” Aha that’s Tamera Foster. The school slut. She always wears those really short skirts and top cut low shirts and high heels. And loads of make-up. She’s like a real life Barbie doll.

“ Yeah because the first thing I think of is you  trying to bite me.” Sass master from Doncaster I love you.

“Sorry Tamera they’re allergic for sluts, but it’s okay there other seats free for them.”  Jess learns from the best. Who could that be. Tip : Meeeeeeeeee J

“Hahahah very funny. I’m not a slut.”

“Good Joke, but if I were you I would look in the mirror and then tell me again you aren’t a slut”

Score one Sanne.

“ I like you girl with dirty blond hair.” Wow best day of my life.

“I like you too boy with dirty blond hair” Louis grins at me and lifts Jessica out of her seat and sits next to me.

“excuse me pretty boy, but I was sitting there”

“You can sit next to Harry or Niall.”

“She goes for Harry, ‘cause she has a crush on him” I whisper to Louis.

“Fan?” I nod.

“not like those crazy ones but yeah we like your music and stuff”

“Good to know you guys aren’t crazy ‘cause your guys are pretty fun.”

“I know we are but thank for the compliment.”

“You’re welcome.” Awkward.

“I’m Sanne btw”

“Louis, but you already know that” I giggle.

Niall’s P.O.V

While the boys were talking to those two girls I saw a girl sitting across them with her face hidden behind her head and music in her ears. She looks kind of sad. Maybe I should go and talk to her.

“Hey, Is this seat free” I ask. She doesn’t say anything but just nods. So I take a seat.

“You okay?”

She just nods again not looking up. I put my fingers under her chin and lift her head up. Her hair falls back and I can see tear stained cheeks. She gasps and quickly turns her head the other side.

“FEMKE, Why the hell are you crying. I better get to know that at the end of the day or I’ll come to your house at midnight and I’m not joking” The girl with black hair says.

I can see a little smile playing on her lips.

“She smiling, Damn I did good” Good there crazy but we’re crazy too so I don’t mind.

“I wasn’t smiling you were just thinking I was smiling”

“I saw it too she was smiling”

“You should be on my side dumbass”

I think  this school isn’t as bad as it seems. Definitely not with these girls.

Part 2

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Love you


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