Chapter 2: Little Miss Popularity

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Perrie’s POV

“Perrie?” I hear a male voice ask.

 “Yes?” I lift my head from the picture I was drawing. 

“What are you drawing?” Zayn asks, moving closer. Not that I had a problem with it. 

“Something.” I reply going back to drawing.

“What is that something?” He asks. 

“I don’t know. Random shit.” I shrug. I’m actually drawing the senior party that is on tonight, because school has started. 

“Looks like a party.” He comments. 

“Because maybe it is.” I reply sarcastically. I probably sound really bitchy but thats not what I was aiming for it just comes naturally.

“Hey isn’t there a senior party on tonight?” He asks, getting even closer. I could smell his chocolate scented deodorant mixed with cigarette smoke. So he smokes, I don’t but I think it makes guy manly even though it can kill you. 

“Yeah there is. You going?” I ask. Scrunching up the paper because by the time the bell will go in a minute. 

“Yes, what about you?” He asks, then goes the bell. I grab my books and he grabs his. 

“Yeah, I’m going with the girls and guys, so if the guys are going is that who you are going with?” I ask as we all rush out of the classroom. 

“Yeah, I’ll see you there then.” He winks walking off down the hall. His locker must be down the other end. I continue walking to mine, switching over books for Biology then I have Math as the last class of the day.

“Hey how was class with Zayn?” Jade asks when she shows up to her locker. To be honest it wasn’t that bad we hardly talked.

“Fine. He is going to that party.” I tell her. 

“The party were you hook up with random people?” She asks.
“Yeah, maybe I have a chance to hook up with him.” I wriggle my eyebrows.

“You are so dirty. We need to get you a boyfriend.” She sighs. “Niall might want you back.” She adds.

“I ended it with him. And we just never worked.” I say as we close our locker and walk to the biology lab. 

“When you say never worked do you mean sexual pleasure?” She laughs. I slap her playfully. I never did it with Niall and to be fair I wasn’t planning on it. 

“Just shut up.” I sigh. 

“Hey he was madly in love with you. Perrie this and Perrie that.” She was mocking Niall’s voice. He wasn’t a bad guy he just wasn’t for me.

“Just cause he is madly in love doesn’t mean I was.”I defend. We reach the lab and walk in to see the teacher already there talking to the class. 

“First day and you are late already.” He sighs. “I’ll let you off this time, but next time it’s detention.” He adds. We take our seats and laugh a bit to our selves about it. 

“Next week we are dissecting a pigs heart.” He informs us the everyone starts wining and complaining. Who really care, cutting open a heart that looks a lot like a humans heart would be awesome.

“Perrie. Can you tell us how many chambers there are in a human heart?” He asks. I look at the diagram on the board and he is a terrible drawer.

“4 chambers.” I reply. 

“Would you like to elaborate on that?” He asks.

“Within the adult heart are two parallel independent systems, each consisting of an auricle, or atrium, and a ventricle; from their anatomical positions these systems are often designated in the right heart and the left heart. 2 auricles and 2 ventricles.” I say then I look around to see everyones jaw drop. I might be the slut of the grade but that doesn’t mean I don’t like science.

“Ok now, who would like to label the diagram on the board?” He asks.

“I will.” I hear one of the girls in our class say. I don’t even know who she is. But I think she is one of the nerds in year 12. I can’t believe we only have this year left of school then we are free.

By the end of that class I was almost asleep. After the labelling of the diagram we had to watch a video on hearts and who to lane them, but considering we just watched one of the girls label a hear I didn’t it was necessary. 

Once the bell rings Jade and I  grab our books and walk to our lockers when I see a fight has started in the hall way right next to our lockers and everyone is crowding around taking pictures and filming. I wonder who started it? I’m to short to see over the human sky scrapers. Jade and I can’t even get to our lockers. 

“Who do you think it is between?” She asks. 

“I have no clue.” I respond. I hear some of the things being yelled then I hear my name come up. Why are they mentioning me?

“Get away from Perrie’s locker!” I hear someone shouts. It sounds a lot like my ex, Adam. Why is he yelling and who is he yelling at? 

“She isn’t yours!” I hear Adam shout again. It’s not I was his either, but who was he shouting at?

I hear the crowd cringe I think somebody just got beaten. 

“You little dick!” Adam shouts again. I have a feeling that he was just punched.

“Your going to pay for this!” Adam voice booms through the halls once again.

“Um, Pezz I think it would be best if you get to the front to break this up.” Jade mentions. 

Yeah, here hold my books, I’ll be back.” I hand Jade my books and make my way to the front of the crowd.

“Here comes Little Miss Popularity now.” I hear Adam say. I make my way to the front and eventually get there only to see Adam pinned to the floor near my locker by Zayn.



What were Zayn and Adam fighting about??? Who is at fault????? Perrie and Zayn are both going to the party and Perrie wants to hook up with him!!!!!!!!!!

Next chapter: Finding out what Zayn and Adam were fighting about, the last class (math) and then probably the girls getting ready for the party.

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Erin xx

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