Chapter 15: We have to tell your Mum

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Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!


Zayn’s POV

When the doctor puts the gel on Perrie’s stomach I can see that it is could because she shivers. He turns on a TV screen and moves what appear to be a camera wand across Perrie’s bump. On the screen appears a small circle thing. I think thats the baby.

“That’s your baby.” The doctor points to the screen. It is still an egg but it looks adorable. I look to Perrie, who is grinning like there is no tomorrow.

“Can you tell the gender?” Perrie asks, the doctor nods then moves the stick again. I want a girl first, Perrie does too. Marley would love a younger sister, but I’m also happy with a boy. He can be daddy’s little boy. 

“Congratulations its a… 

Jade’s POV 

A new family just moved in next door and my mum is now sending me over to their house with cookies to greet them. I walk out the front door holding the cookies in my hand. I walk down the footpath and up to the front door of my neighbours house. I’m not usually a nervous person but I feel nervous knocking on the door. The door opens revealing a women about my mum’s age.

“Hello.” She greets with a big smile.

“Hi, I’m Jade. I live next door. These are for you.” I had her the plate of cookies and she gladly accepts them.

“I’m Kerry. Come in please.” She gestures in side. I take a step in side the front door and follow her to the kitchen. The house is still a little empty and white but so big.

“I love the house.” I complement.

“Thank you.” She smiles. We both sit at the table, I’m hesitant at first but it’s ok in the end. “So, Jade, how old are you?” She asks.

“I’m 16 turning 17 on boxing day.” I smile.

“I have a son about your age. His name is Sam.” She says. I hear the front door open and in walks a man about my dad’s age and a really hot teenage boy. We both get up from the table to greet them at the door.

“Perfect timing. Jade this is Sam and this is Rodger my husband.” She introduces. Sam isn’t bad looking. Jade stop! What about Harry? You only broke up last week.

“Hi.” I give a small smile.

“Jade lives next door, she just came over with a plate of cookies.” Kerry explains to the boys.

“Oh, It’s nice to meet you Jade. I hope we see you again some time soon.” Rodger shakes my hand.

“You too.” I shake back with a smile.

“Sam why don’t you walk her back to her place.” Kerry suggests.

“He doesn’t have to.” I say.

“No it’s ok. I want to.” Sam says with a smile. He has the most adorable smile I have ever seen.

“Well we hope to see you soon.” Kerry and Rodger walk Sam and I to the door. Sam and I walk down to the footpath still silent and all.

“So, do you go to the local high school?” He asks, breaking the silence.

“Yeah. Is that where you are starting after the holidays?” I ask him.

“Yeah. I have a few friends there already.” He states.

“Ok, well maybe I’ll see you there.” I smile.

Little Black Dress (Zerrie Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now