Chapter 13: Where Are You Going?

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Perrie’s POV


“Well. Yesterday morning I took a pregnancy test.” I say.

“And?” She asks.

“Oh my. Is that why you were throwing up?” She covers her mouth with her hand.

“Yeah. I’m Pregnant.” I say under my breath.

“Is it Zayn’s?” She asks. Still in shock but surprisingly handling this really well.

“Yes.” I mumble. 


“Perrie, How could you be so stupid? You met him a week ago.” She says in a panicky state.

“It was that party you went to wasn’t it? You didn’t come home that night.” She panics.

“Mum. Please calm down. It will be fine.” I try to calm her but she just throws her arms around and appears to hyperventilate, just breathing quickly.

“I can’t talk to you right now Perrie. Give me time to think this through.” She turns away but continues to contemplate what I have told her.

“Mum please listen to me.” I plead.

“I can’t do this. You can have the house to your self tonight. I’ll be back in the morning.” She grabs her hand bag and goes out to her car. What have I done. I knew this was to much for her. I slide my back down the wall and curl up in a ball. Tears run down my face. I shouldn’t crying but when you pregnant every emotion is tripled. I hear foot steps coming so I hide my face even more. 

“Mummy?” I’m met with a young face of Marley. She looks upset, probably just from seeing me like this.

“Yeah, baby?” I respond sniffling and wiping my tears.

“Daddy wants me to check on you.” She says her soft voice.

 “I’m fine.” I sniffle pulling my head back down.

I hear her footsteps patter off down the hall. She is probably going to get Zayn. I feel so stupid, I’m crying because I upset my mum but really I’m blaming everything on the pregnancy. Should I even keep this baby. Yes, I should. I can’t bring my self to kill an innocent human. Especially a pre-mature one that is still in side of me. There is always adoption. But once this baby is born I couldn’t bring my self to it and it wouldn’t be fair on Marley. She doesn’t know about the baby yet but when I get bigger she will know and want the sibling. I have no idea how I did it but in a matter of 10 minutes I cried myself to sleep. I don’t remember being tired though.


I woke up in my own bed. Pitch black outside, I look at the clock on my bedside and it reads 1am. I roll on my side and see Zayn laying there fast asleep. In between us is Marley, she has her own bed I’m not sure why she is in my bed, but anyway she is cute. I know I need to get back to sleep because I have school in the morning but I can’t get over the fight with mum and how she left. It keeps replaying in my head. I shouldn’t have told her so soon, she was already trying get her head around having Marley in the house, now knowing that her daughter is pregnant. No wonder she went off.

I feel a sudden urge to throw up. I jump out of bed and race down the hall. On my way to the bathroom, I hear Zayn stir and ask what happened in his groggy morning voice. I lean over the toilet, letting everything out. Soon to have a hand on my back and hair held. 

“Come on Pezz.” Zayn says once I wash out my mouth. He lifts me up bridle style and carries me back to bed. “Night, Pezz.” He kisses my forehead after tucking me in next to Marley again.

“Night Zaynie.” I sigh, closing my eyes. I hear his laugh then sleep takes over me.


I awake to a rocking on the bed. I open my eyes t see Marley jumping on the bed with Zayn watching on and laughing.

“Mummy. Mummy. Get up!” Marley laughs.

“Yeah, I’m up.” I sit up and Marley jumps into my lap. Zayn sits on the edge of the bed next to me. 

“So why are you so excited?” I ask them.

“We have school.” Marley says. That is the most excited I have ever seen a kid about going to school.

“Yeah we do.” I say.

“Let’s go, so mummy can get ready.” Zayn lifts Marley out of my lap and they walk out of then room. I jump out of bed, remembering that my mum isn’t home because of the fight. I push it out of my mind so that I can get ready for school. I change into a shirt with three quarter length black sleeves. In the middle of the shirt is a batman logo. I also put on my black high waisted short because the shirt is a mid drift. I pull my hair up into a high bun on top of my head. I then grab my bag, placing my phone, wallet, earphones and sunglasses in my bag.  I slip on my black dock martins and walk down the hall to the lounge where Zayn and Marley wait. 

“You ready to go?” Zayn asks.

“Yeah, all set.” I smile. Marley runs over to me, so I pick her up and the three of us head out to the car. First we drove to Marley’s school and dropped her off then we arrived at our high school. I jumped out of the car and ran to Jade who was waiting by the front gates. I completely just left Zayn on his own.

“Pezz!” Jade yells hugging me.

“Hey Jadey.” I say with a smile as we walk into the school.

“I HATE YOU! YOUR AN IDIOT AND A COWARD!” Jade and I immediately look to where the shouting is coming from.

“WHAT DID I DO?” Some one shouts back. I recognise the voice though.

“YOU’RE A DICK, I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!” The girl voice screams back. I don’t recognise the voice.

“TELL ME WHAT I DID?” The familiar male voice yells back.

“YOU CHEATED!” She yells. I still can’t see the two fighting because of the crowd around them. Jade and I finally get through to see…



OHHHH! Who is it???? Could it be Zayn or someone else?????

Anyway next update probably later today. I just watched Divergent and I freakin love it!!!!!! <3

I'm also updating We Are Who We Are today aswell. 

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Erin xx

Little Black Dress (Zerrie Fanfiction) Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ