Chapter 11: Marley

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Perrie's POV

"So I just talked to my mum and she said that I can take on Marley as a full time daughter because we are in last year of school." I say as I enter my bedroom to see Zayn and Marley playing on the floor with my dolls I had as a kid.

"Did you tell her about the bump?" Zayn asks, trying not to say it out loud in case Marley repeats it before we are ready to tell my mum.

"No, I'm going to wait. She has had enough news for today." I say. She still broken down about Marley and how a parent could do that to their child.

"When you tell, I want to be there." He says still looking down at Marley. I sit next to them and pick up a doll as well.

"Perrie?" Marley asks putting down her doll.

"Yes?" I say.

"Are you my mummy now?" She asks in such a sweet voice. 4 year olds are so cute.

"If you want me to." I tell her.

"What about Zayn?" She asks me even though he is sitting right there. "Is he my daddy?" She asks.

"Why don't you ask him." I say looking up at Zayn.

"Are you my daddy now?" She asks looking up at Zayn.

"I'd love to be." He smiles at her then looks at me with a smile. I can't believe I only met him a week ago, but yet he is already a big part of my life.

"Mummy and Daddy." She repeats and it brings a smile to both Zayn and I's face.

"Do you want to pack up the dolls and then we can go do something?" I ask Marley. She picks up the dolls and puts them in the box they were in before.

"What are we doing?" She asks.

"Zayn? Do you have any ideas?" I ask him. It is 5pm on a sunday, so I'm not sure what we can do cause dinner will be ready soon.

"The park is just down the road." He suggests.

"How does the park sound Marley?" I ask her.

"Awesome." She grins from ear to ear.


*Next day*

I arrive out the front of Zayn's house. I decided to start driving to school now that I have to drop off Marley as well and then pick her up. Zayn comes rushing out of his front door and jumps in the passenger seat. He went home last night, but he is staying tonight at mine only for the sake of Marley. She started to believe that we are her real parents and she started asking me why daddy doesn't live int he same house. I didn't want to disappoint her so Zayn will stay tonight.

"Hey babe." He kisses my cheek as we start to drive off.

"Hey Marley." He turns around and smiles at her.

"Daddy are you coming home tonight?" She asks him in her sweet little voice.

"Yes I am." He smile then turns back around. We arrive out the front of Marley's elementary school. I park the car and bot Zayn and I get out and walk her into the front office. Last night mum got Marley's name changed at the court to Edwards because Marley didn't know her last name. But when we explained the story and how we got her we found out that her last name was Johnson. But they couldn't track down her father. He had apparently committed suicide.

"Hello. How may I help you?" The lady behind the front desk asks.

"This is Marley's first day." Zayn says.

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