Chapter 3: Surprising Events

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Zayn’s POV

I’m waiting at Perrie locker because I need to talk to her, when Adam her ex comes up to me. He looks extremely angry and if he wants to start I fight, I’ll be ready to take him on. I only met him earlier in History. 

“What do you think your doing?” He demands. I can see that a crowd has developed already.

“Waiting for Perrie.” I reply as if there is no crime but to tell the truth there isn’t. It isn’t like Adam and Perrie are still dating. 

“Why?” He demands.

“Look mate, I don’t want to start a fight.” I say. But it looks like he does. 

“I’m not your mate.” And that’s when I feel his fist smash into the side of my face. That is it. I punch him in the gut till he is on the floor. 

“You shit head.” He yells at me. I couldn’t be bothered to yell back at him. I see that te crowd around us is massive and people are taking pictures and filming. I have Adam pinned on the ground as he continues to yell at me and try to wrestle me off. 

“She isn’t yours!” He yells. 

“Not yours either.” I whisper. I don’t think he liked that because he ended up punching me in the face again. I punch him in the gut and then in the head.

“You little dick!” He yells. Trying to wrestle me off.

“Your going to pay for this!” He continues yelling at me then all of a sudden he stops and the crowd goes quiet for a second.

“Here comes Little Miss Popularity now.” He laughs pushing me off him and because I was off guard he ends up pinning me to the ground. 

“Break it up!” I hear Perrie yell as she tries to pull Adam off of me. “Stop hurting him!” She yells at Adam. She is sticking up for me, how sweet.

“So your sticking up of the prick!” He gets up and yells at Perrie.

“Yes I am.” She holds her ground. I get off the ground before I get beaten again. Adam looks to be towering over Perrie. Every time he steps closer to her she takes a step back.

“Your such a bitch.” He snarks then walks off. The crowd makes a path for him then eventually there is no crowd. I see Jade standing there awkwardly with Perrie’s things. 

“You ok?” I know he didn’t hurt her but she looks very shaken up. 

“Yeah. Why were you fighting over me?” She asks a little awkwardly. Jade still standing there, shifting uncomfortably under her weight.

“I was just waiting at your locker because I was going to talk to you and then he showed up.” I explain. The bell rang so Jade quickly cam over and both girls got their stuff from their lockers. “Oh, you have math?” I ask.

“Yeah. I hate it. What class do you have?” She asks.

“I have math too. But don’t worry I don’t like it either.” I laugh. It makes her laugh. She has a really beautiful smile.

“Well I need to get my books.” I head off down the hall to my locker. Jade obviously didn’t have the same class because she went to the English room. Perrie just follows me down the now empty halls till I get to my locker. 

“You have a mirror in your locker?” She asks, laughing. I only do so I can check my hair. My quiff is my pride and joy. 

“Yeah why don’t you?” I ask as if it is obvious to have a mirror. 

“Because I don’t care about my hair 24/7 like some people.” She gestures to me.

“I think we should get to class now.” I suggest. She gives a quick nod and we bot walk back down the empty hall to find our math class. I have a feeling there is no point going we have already missed a bit.

“Hey do you even want to go to class?” I ask her. I mean, I don’t but I’m not sure if Perrie would be up for ditching.

“Not really, it’s first day what harm could we do?” She says. 

“I’ll go back and get my bag, you get yours and we can go to the park down the road.” I suggest to her. She seems legit, so why not. On the first day you aren’t going to get in much trouble.

“Ok, I’ll meet you at the front gates.” She replies and we both go separate ways again.

We arrived at the park, but I didn’t know what we would do here. We are a bit old for the play ground and we aren’t actually dating so I can’t just snog her. We sit at a par bench thinking of things to do.

“What you said in the storage closet. Did you mean it?” She asks me. I can here the longing in her voice, I can tell see likes me. She acts all fluttery and girlie, I can hide my emotions well though.

“Of course I did. I wouldn’t back stab a girl.” I scoff. “Though my girlfriend won’t be happy.” I act serious.I want to see if she can take a joke. 

“Your what?” She asks shocked. 

“My girlfriend, Sky.” I actually did date a girl named Sky when I was like 10.

“You prick. You led me on.” She slaps me. 

“Hey, it’s a joke calm down. I’m single.” I laugh.

“You fricken dick.” She gets up and walks off.

“Hey it was just a joke.” I chase after her. 

“Well it wasn’t funny.” She scowls. She continues walking and I can’t keep up.

“Perrie.” I grab hold of her arm, so she spins around then I smash my lips into hers.

I definitely like her. I can feel sparks and a nice feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can tell she kisses back when she licks my bottom lip, I don’t open up though because I want to be in control. My hands move to her waist And I feel one of hers on my neck and the other on my back. We pull away and I smile at her. I peck her lips once more causing her to giggle. 

“I’ll see you at the party.” She trys to hide her grin then spinning on her heel and walking home. Shit, I didn’t get her number. 

“Perrie!” I call out.

“Yeah.” She spins around again. I walk over to her. 

“Hey give me your number.” I hand her my phone.

“As long as you give me yours.” She winks.

I take her phone and put in my number saving it as Zaynie <3, because I know it will make her laugh. She hands my phone back to me and I give hers back.

“See you soon.” I wink before turning back and leaving.



So they kissed, they ditched and they got each others numbers!!!!!!!! For some reason I'm in love with my own story. I think that is sad.

Anyway next chapter: Party (Hook ups)

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Erin xx

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