Chapter 18: School is a Safety Hazard!

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Zayn's POV

“Perrie!” Jade calls down the hall to Perrie. Today is our first day back and Jade missed Perrie a lot. Marley was excited to go to school today because tonight we are taking her out to dinner with my family and Perrie’s family. 

“Are we telling them now?” I whisper to Perrie while Jade is still running to us. 

“Sure, get it out of the way.” She whisper back then turns to Jade who has just reached her side. They ramble on to each other about things they did on the holidays then we turn into the Cafeteria were everyone is already waiting. I texted the boys to get the girls there and waiting for a big announcement that Perrie and I will be making.

“Hey they are here!” Louis says gaining the attention of the others talking. Jade goes and sits next to Leigh, and furthest from Harry. When everyone is sitting, Perrie and I stand to the side of the table to make the announcement.

“So, you all know that I’m pregnant?” Perrie says. They all nod in response.

“On the holidays we were told the gender.” I say. I love dragging out things like this because it drives people crazy. They start erupting into things like ‘OMG’ ‘Tell Us’ ‘What is it’ 

“I dibs being the god father.” Harry says.

“Hey, what about me?” Niall argues. “I know I’ll be the godmother.” He smiles.

“That’s a women’s part.” Leigh says sarcastically.

“I already dibsed it the other day anyway.” Jade says.

“That will be a problem.” Liam laughs.

“Why?” Jade asks dumbfounded.

“Because we broke u but we both want to be godparents.” Harry fills her in.

“Oh, I still want to be the godmother.” She sasses.

“Ok, back to the news.” Perrie says.

“Yeah what is the gender?” Louis asks.

“It is…” I deliberately stop to annoy them.

“Jesus you are killing me. Just say it.” Jesy complains.

“I’m Zayn, not Jesus.” I sarcastically say.

“Whatever just get to the point.” Leigh buts in. Perrie gives me a look as if to say ‘just tell them’.

“You tell them.” I mumble back to her. She mouths back ‘fine’.

“It’s a girl.” She says then all the girls get up from the table and run to her. They end up in a big group hug. The boys congratulate me. Not that I wanted to be a teen dad but it’s a bit late now. I don’t regret it but at the same time I do because of not only effecting mine and Perrie’s lives but our family and friend’s lives too. At the same time I would hate for our little girl think that she didn’t deserve to be alive or that she was a terrible mistake. She is a good mistake.

“That’s great news.” Niall says when every one is sitting down again.

“Didn’t you always say that you wanted a girl?” Jade asks Perrie.

“Yeah, I had thought about it.” Perrie responds. The bell goes for first class to start so we all jump up and grab our bags. 

“See you at lunch.” Perrie says. She doesn’t have first class with me. 

“I’ll meet you at the door of your classroom.” I peck her lips and then we both part separate ways to our classes.

“Hey mate, have you thought of names?” Liam asks. I’m not going to tell him what we have thought of because I don’t think it would be fair to Perrie if I started telling everyone, and we still have 6 months till the baby is born anyway. I’m sure the name will change a few times.

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