Chapter 23: Stay with me?

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Zayn's POV

It finally occured to me that Perrie might have lost the baby.  I started panicking inside but I could show Perrie that I was panicking. At the moment she needs someone level headed to help her through this. The nurses called her straight through to a room with an ultrasound. They told her that this was high priority and being 4 months pregnant, it is still possible to have a miscarriage. They had the ultrasound machine hooked up and they were looking on the screen for any signs.

“The baby is still there and still alive.” The nurse sighs with relief then I hear Perrie sigh and then look to me and smile. I can stop panicking now, I can breathe easy. Well sort of, there is still the question of why she bled.

“But why was I bleeding?” Perrie asked.

“They the next thing. There is a puncture in you whom, so you will have to talk medicine we proscribe and be very careful.” The nurse writes something on a clip board.

“Oh, ok. I can do that.” She sat up after the gel was rubbed off her abdomen. I’m so glad that the baby is fine. That is a big relief.

*1 month later*

Perrie’s POV

I have been super careful for the past month because I already had i fright that i lost the baby and even though I am only 16 (17 in 2 weeks), I realised that even though the baby was a mistake, I don’t want to lose it. She might as well be the most precious thing in my life right now. This is the last week of school, next week in the start of the june/july holidays. My birthday is on friday of the second week. 

“Pez?” I Jade voice ring through the house. I’m home alone since Zayn took Marley to the water park. 

“In here.” I call from the bedroom. I’m still wrapped in bed under the covers, It’s really warm so I don’t want to move from this position. I’m partially laying on my side partially on my stomach, but I have a bum so I can’t completely lay on my stomach.

“Naw, my little Pezzie is still in bed.” Jade lays partially on top of me. “So what are we doing today?” She asks sitting up next to me.

“Mmm, sleepings sounds nice.” I keep my eyes closed and wrapped up in the blanket.

“Come on, lazy bones.” Jade pulls the covers off me then pulls me up out of bed. “Come to think of it I don’t really want to be touching this bed.” She laughs.

“Why?” I ask her.

“Who knows what you and Zayn do.” She laughs. 

“The sheets get washed.” I roll my eyes and then I walk over to the dresser and pull out a summer dress.

“You didn’t deny that you and Zayn do stuff!” Her eyes widen and she jumps around like a kid.

“I can’t deny it because I got pregnant some how.” I point out. I go into the bathroom to get changed while Jade and I continue to talk through the door.

“I guess. Where are the ultra sound photos from last week?” I hear her ask.

“in the top drawer of the bedside.” I call back.

“Which one there is two?” She asks.

“Next to the bookshelf.” I say walking out of the bathroom with the dress on and my pjs in my hand. As i place my pjs in the laundry hamper the sits by the door, jade opens the and pulls out all the photo from the first to the latest.

They are kept in Zayn’s drawer because when he can’t sleep he likes to look at them. I don’t know why but maybe because I get the baby with me all the time because I’m carrying her. He doesn't really get to talk to her unless i’m around so he gets the photos. Personally I think it is sweet. 

Little Black Dress (Zerrie Fanfiction) Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang