Chapter 12: Telling her

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Zayn's POV

If some told me a month ago that I would have a girl pregnant with my child and fathering another child now, I wouldn't have beloved them. This is kind of messed up. I'm getting so many mixed feelings about Perrie, but it's been a week i'll give her some time. It will be hell when the pregnancy hormones kick in for her, she will be craving food and having dramatic mood swings.

"Hey Zayn, you want to hang after school?" Harry asks.

"I can't." I simply reply.

"Why?" He asks, sad and disappointed.

"I'll explain at lunch." I tell him. I'm not going to tell him in front of everyone and seems like Perrie just told Jade too. I have first class with Perrie so I walk with her to our lockers then off to class. She seems so awkward and more aware now that she is pregnant. I can't blame her though, I'm the one that put it there. Now I have myself wondering if it will be a boy or a girl. I've always wanted a boy first, obviously not this young though but life is life. I just have to live with it.

Perrie and I sit at the table together in our Music class. I can't play an instrument but I can sing. I don't know about Perrie but I guess we will find out soon enough.

"Pezz? You ok?" I ask her, she looks pale and about ready to pass out.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy." She huffs, probably frustrated with the constant sick feeling that comes with being pregnant.

"Morning sickness?" I ask quietly. She doesn't want everyone to no and neither do I. I won't get bullied as much as her but if they know I got someone pregnant they will go straight to Perrie.

"Yeah." She weakly smiles. I pull her into a hug as everyone is still walking in and getting their seats.

"Morning class. Today we are just going to study music. Everyone go and sit against the wall somewhere please?" Our teacher Miss Jamie says. We call her by her first name because she is only 20, she is basically our age.

I sit against the wall over the far side of the classroom and Perrie sits with me. One of my arms around her. Harry and Jade slightly next to us but leaving some space. El and Louis over in the back wall. most people in this class are dating so we are al cuddled in each others arms. Jamie doesn't mind.

"Now you may use phones as long as you have earphones." Jamie says. "Other will be give an instrument." She instructs both Perrie and I pull out phones and earphones from our pockets.

Perrie's POV

I wonder what I should play. I sit huddled in Zayn's arms trying to forget about the morning sickness which has upset my stomach and trying to find a song. Oh, Chandelier by Sia is a good song. I press play and lay down a little in Zayn's arms, putting my phone back in my pocket.


“Ok Jade you have promise not to tell anyone.” I say to her. We were behind the cafeteria so that nobody else would find out. She seemed really excite and jumpy as soon as music class finished. Zayn said he was telling Harry now, so at least one in the couple wouldn’t know before the other.

“I promise.” She grins like a child who is getting a life long supply of lollies.

“Zayn and I have a daughter.” I say. Her face immediately goes to a confused expression, then a grin grows again.

“OMG. Are you?” Her hands goes straight for my stomach. 

“Just wait let me explain.” I say and she nods. “So on sunday I had taken the test and yes I am pregnant, so I went to Zayn’s house to tell him and on the way I met a little girl. She was left in my neighbours front yard after her mother died and her father committed suicide. Her name is Marley and we went to the court, they made us her official adoptive parents.” I explain to her.

“That is so sad. Does she know about her parents?” Jade asks with all sympathy.

“She does but she doesn’t talk about them. She calls me and Zayn, mum and dad. I guess it is alright for know.” I say. Zayn comes around the corner with Harry. Harry seems as upset as Jade hearing that. Zayn just joins my side while Harry hugs Jade.

“Did you tell her about the pregnancy?” Zayn asks so Jade can’t hear.

“Yeah but I don’t think she was exactly paying attention.” I whisper back.

“Ready for lunch now?” Harry asks.

“Yeah.” We all respond.


We got home after school and I decided that I should tell my mum tonight about the pregnancy.

"Hey, you guys go wait in my room. I need to talk to my mum. Alone." I say. I want to tell her without having Zayn there. I know he wants to be there but if I need the comfort I'll just come to my room or call him down.

"Are you telling her?" Zayn asks still holding Marley's hand.

"Yeah. I want to do it alone." I say then disappointment washes over Zayn's face. "I will call you down if I need you just, please let me do this alone." I ask.

"Fine." He groans. "Come on Marley." He takes her to my room down the hall. I walk into the kitchen to see my mum cooking.

"Hey Pezz. How was school?" She asks. Placing the dirty dishes in the sink then turing to me, pulling her apron off.

"All good." I reply sitting at the counter on one of the stools.

"What about Marley. How was her first day?" She asks, leaning on the bench in front of me.

"She said that she made a few friends." I smile.

"I'm glad your taking on this responsibly. Little Pezz is a mummy." She laughs. "Is Zayn helping out?" She asks.

"Yeah. Marley has been calling us mum and dad." I smile. Knowing that before I met Marley, Zayn and I were already parents to the little life growing inside of me that I still haven't told mum about.

"That's sweet." She smiles. "Was there something you wanted to talk about? You seem fidgety." She seems concerned.

"Well you know the whole parent thing. Um, well, I was a parent before I met Marley." I explain to her.

"What do you mean?" She seems confused.

"Well. Yesterday morning I took a pregnancy test." I say.
"And?" She asks. "Oh my. Is that why you were throwing up?" She covers her mouth with her hand.

"Yeah. I'm Pregnant." I say under my breath.

"Is it Zayn's?" She asks. Still in shock but surprisingly handling this really well.

"Yes." I mumble.



So this chapter a few people where notified and Marley went to school. I personally like this chapter. Next chapter probably tomorrow or thursday :)

I'm back from camp. It was really good. I was one of three silbings of a cancer patient that was there. We had a small group :)

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Erin xx

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