Chapter 20: illness brings family together

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Zayn's POV

I woke to a beeping, the smell of sanitiser and everything is white. I was at school where am I now? I blink a few times to realise I am in a hospital hooked up to a drip. I turn my head to the left and see Perrie asleep in the arm chair. I wonder how long she has been here for me? I heard her little speech that was sweat but I don't know how long it has been since then.

She stirs a little then her eyes start to flutter open. She looks to me then closes her eyes again. All of a sudden her eyes fly open then she jumps up.

"Zayn!" She cries into my shoulder as I hug her. "How are you feeling?" She asks pulling out of the hug.

"My head hurts. My nose is throbbing. but other then that I feel fine." I reply. "How is the little one?" I can clearly see her bump because her shirt is stuck to it.

"Fine." She smiles, jumping onto the bed next to me.

"How long have we been here?" I ask her. She checks her phone and then puts it back in her pocket.

"About four hours, which means I have to go and get Marley." She responds.

"Before you go. Who was the girl that intercepted before I was knocked out?" I ask her.

"Jade. She got knocked out too. She is just down the hall. Her mum came to stay with her so I could come in her." Perrie replies blankly. I completely understand why she went to Jade first they have been first since they were 5.

"Oh and before I leave your mum should be here with your sisters any minute." She says.

"Ok. I'll see you soon." I give her a peck on the lips before she leaves out the door.

Perrie's POV

I call for a taxi to take me back to the high school. It isn't quite the end of school the end of school yet but I need to et my bag and books. Then i'll get Zayn's car keys and things from his locker then go and get Marley. 

We pull up at the school and I pay the taxi driver.I jump out and head into the school. The halls are deserted because everyone is in last class. I open up my locker and grab my books and put them in my bag. I sling my bag over my back and then close my locker, heading down the hall to Zayn’s locker. I know his combination because he told it to me in case something like this happened. Well not to this extent but if i needed to get into his locker for some reason, then i could. I open the locker and stuff the car keys in my jeans pocket. I grab his bag, which has his phone and wallet. I think he might want these.

I head back out of the school to the parking lot. I pull the keys back out and unlock Zayn’s car. I jump in placing both our bags on the passenger seat and then driving off down the road to get Marley. I pull up at the elementary school and head into the front office.

“Hi.” The lady greets.

“I need to pick up Marley early.” I say.

“Are you over 18?” She asks.

“I’m 17 but I’m her legal guardian. Her dad is in hospital.” I tell her.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so? I’ll just call her classroom and have the teacher send her down with her bag.” The lady gets up and walks over to the phone on the wall.

“Hello, How are you?”

“I need you to send Marley down to the office.”

“Her mother.” She looks back at me for confirmation and I nod. “Is here to pick her up.”

“Thank you.”

“Bye.” She hangs the phone back up on the wall and sits back down on her swivel chair. “She will be down in a minute.” She announces.

“Thank you.” I grab a pen and take the sign out book from the ladies hands. I sign her out and then put down my signature. By the time I give the pen and the book back, Marley comes running in.

“Mummy!” She runs to me with her arms open.

“Hey, babe. You ready to go?” I ask her.

“Where is daddy?” She asks confused.

“We are going to see daddy.” I tell her.


We pull up at the hospital and I help Marley out of the car. I explain why Zayn is in her, on the drive. Because she is only 5 she still doesn’t understand much, she thinks Zayn is sick. He kind of is but more serve.

We walk in the front doors and to the lift. I hold Marley’s hand in mine as we make our way through the many corridors of the hospital. I walk back down the white hallways to the ICC unit. I push open the door and Marley and I stop at Zayn’s door. I think his mum is still here with his sisters. Doniya wasn’t coming but Safaa and Waliyha were coming. I push open the door to see Zayn sitting upright and his mum and sister crowded around him.

“Daddy!” Marley runs up to Zayn and jumps on the bed to sit in his lap.

“Hey Perrie.” Tricia greets.

“Hi.” I simply respond. Getting closer. I pull Zayn’s phone from my pocket and hand it to him.

“Thank you.” He pecks my lips. Safaa is about 8 and loves Marley to pieces. Waliyha is 14 so I get along with her reasonably well.

“So what are we all talking about?” I ask sitting on the bed next to Zayn. His mum in the arm chair and his sisters sitting on the end of his bed.

“We were actually talking about you.” Zayn says.

“Good or bad?” I cringe a little.

“Good obviously.” Waliyha laughs.

“Right so, what about me?” I ask.

“Sorry can’t tell you.” Zayn smirks.

“Please?” I beg.

“Nope.” He pops the ‘p’ making Marley laugh. “Changing the subject. How long am I in here for?” Zayn asks me.

“The doctor came in when you were still dead to the world and said depending on your blood pressure and stuff that you might be able to go home tomorrow.” I tell him. That means tonight I will spend at home alone with Marley. No one to cuddle up to on the couch or in bed.

“Well thats good.” Tricia says. “How this little girl?” She motions to my baby bump.

“Painful. I have had so many cravings and back pain.” I say.

“Well only 6 months left.” Zayn laughs sarcastically.



So Zayn is alright but in hospital. Tricia and his sister came to see him.

I have no idea when the chapter will be but anyway. I just rode my bike for 7km and my legs are killing me because it was mainly up hills.

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Erin xx 

Little Black Dress (Zerrie Fanfiction) Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang