Chapter 10: Poor Girl

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*2 days later*sunday*

Perrie’s POV

Jade bought me two tests just incase and I just took one. If it is negative I will use the second. I’ll probably use the second anyway though. I sit on the bathroom floor waiting for the results of the test to come back but I need to give it 3 minutes apparently.

I walk to my room bringing it with me, leaving it on my bedside I pick up something to wear because either way I will be seeing Zayn. He wants to be the first to know if I am or not. Which is fair enough cause he’d be the father.

I slip on my short jumpsuit and dock martins. I walk over to my bedside again and check the test. I just got my results back from the pregnancy test. Looks like I’m going to Zayn’s house now.

I grab my phone and shove it I'm my pocket after connecting my earphones and playing my music. Only one earphone in, I walk down stairs and out the door. Zayn only lives down the block, so I walk down the street passing some of the children playing.

“Hi. My name is Marley.” A little girl about 4 years old comes up to me from the house next door to mine. Eleanor said her friend was named Marley but she would have been 17 not 4.

“Hello. I’m Perrie.” I kneel down to her height. 

“Where are you going Perrie?” She asks.

“To my boyfriends house.” I tell her. She is so cute with her two blonde pig tails that look like they have been curled.

“Can I come?” She asks, holding both sides of her dress out. It is like those old style dresses with the white frill collar and sleeves. She is also wearing white buckle shoes with frilly white socks. Very old style, something my mum would have been dressed in when she was younger.

“Doesn’t your mum want you home?” I ask her. I don’t really want her there when I tell Zayn, but I don’t want to let her down. 

“No. My mum died.” She says a little to bluntly.

“What about your dad?” I ask her.

“He left me in the front yard over there. He said he would be back but he left last night and didn’t come back.” She says. Her mum died and then her dad abandoned her. 

“Are you staying with the people in that house.” I ask her. 

“They aren’t home. I slept under tat bush last night waiting for daddy.” She looks sad now. So she isn’t eaten at all. I can’t just leave her. Surely her dad didn’t just leave her. 

“Are you hungry?” I ask her. Surely she has got to be hungry.

“A little bit.” She weakly smiles.

“Why don’t you come with me. And we will get you something.” I give in to bringing her with me because I can’t just leave her alone again. I walk down the street with her tiny hand in mine. We get to the start of Zayn’s street and her legs start to get tired. I pick her up and she sits on my hip as I keep walking down the street. I reach Zayn’s house and knock on the front door.

“Hey Pezz.” He opens the door then realises I’m holding Marley. 

“Hey.” I smile.

“Who is this?” He ask taking her from my arms.

“This is Marley.” I tell him.

“Marley do you want to go play with my sisters?” Zayn asks her.

“Yes.” She simply replies with a smile.

“They are just through there.” Zayn points to his lounge room. Marley runs off in that direction and then Zayn turns to me.

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