Chapter 7: Don't Worry. I'm fine.

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So I have Ana, Elena and Adele, unfortunatley no one else commented to be a character at the time I have taken in the late ones for the next chapter though so I added a random one named Marley. You are still welcome to comment to be a character. Always looking for new people to put in the book. :)


Zayn's POV

"Hey guys. I want you to meet my girlfriend Eleanor. She is new but I've known her since pre-school." Louis says.

"Hi, I'm Perrie." Perrie extends her hand to Eleanor.

"Nice to meet you." Eleanor smiles back at Perrie. She is really pretty but I can't be thinking about that I have Perrie now. Everyone else starts to introduce themselves.

"Jesy." "Leigh." "Niall." "Liam." "Jade." "Harry."

"Zayn." I smile at her.

"What classes do you have? Maybe we could help you out." Jesy suggests.

"English, then Biology, then Math and then History." She replies looking at her timetable that she was carrying.

"Zayn and I have English first as well." Perrie says. We do? Oh yeah, we do.

"I have Biology then Math with Leigh and Jesy." Liam says

"Harry and I have History last and Louis will be there too." Jade smiles.

"Ok, so I'll have a buddy for every class." She smiles.

I move my hand on Perrie's hip so it is just on the side of her stomach and she moves uncomfortably. She has been acting a little more on edge lately. She also has move when ever my had goes near her stomach. Anyway, I'll talk to her about it later.

The bell rings and we all go off to our classes. Louis kisses Eleanor's cheek then she follows Perrie and I.


Perrie's POV

"So Eleanor. Do you like it here?" I ask her. I know that she only moved schools but in year 12 that can be hard because you form really close friends. She is probably missing her old friends.

"Yeah, everyone is nice so far." She responds.

"Do miss your old friends?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I still get to see them on weekends and stuff though." She smiles.

"What are their names?" I ask. Not that I need to know, it's just that Eleanor is new and she needs some one who is willing to go out of their way to talk to her.

"Well there is Ana. She is my best friend, we do everything together. And also Marley. But we aren't as close." She responds. Ana and Marley, there nice names.

"Perrie? Are you ok?" Zayn asks when Eleanor goes back to doing English work.

"Yeah why do you ask?" I think he knows that I have been acting suspicious.

"Well when ever my hand went near your stomach you flinched." He explains quietly. It is true, I just feel a little sensitive in my stomach from when I through up earlier today.

"Yeah, well I through up the s'morning." I tell him then a worried look washes across his face.

"Are you ok now though?" he asks.

"Yeah I feel a lot better." I sniffle a bit. I have cold too, so I could have just had a lot of mucous in my stomach and my body rejected it.

"Have a nice day." Our teacher says then we all leave because the bell signalling lunch rang through the speakers.

I walk out with Zayn and Eleanor to our lockers. Eleanor ended up with the spare locker on the other side of mine. Once we put our books away we all walk to the cafeteria. My hand tightly interlocked with Zayn's.

I was thinking since Jade will be spending the afternoon with Harry, I should invite Eleanor to come shopping and our boyfriends can tag along to. I still haven't got used to the fact that Zayn is MY boyfriend.

"Hey El. How was your class?" Louis asks her as we all sit down.

"All good. Perrie kept me company." She flashes a smile in my direction.

"Hey, come on. Let's get food." I say a little to childish. I grab Zayn's hand and try to get him to stand up. He huffs and then gets up as everyone else at the table laughs.

"You are so childish." He laughs as we walk over the canteen.

"But you love me." I grin.

"Yes I do." his pecks my lips and we grabs trays and fill then with all different kinda of food. This school always have a good selection of food.

"I knew it." I smirk.

"Come on." He huffs as we walk back to the table. I have only been dating him for 4 days but it already feels like I've known him forever, as cheesy as that sounds.


"Hey El, do you and Lou want to come to the mall with Zayn and I?" I ask her as everyone madly packs up their things for the end of the day.

"Yeah sure. I'll ask Lou." She smiles.

We all madly rush out of the classroom. I didn't have last class with Zayn so I have to go find him. I see him waiting by my locker so I grab my bag and stuff my books back in my locker.

"El said she would come but she is going to ask Louis." I tell him.

"Ok. Well let's wait for them at the front gates." He grabs my hand. his other hand holding his bag on his shoulder.

Today Zayn is wearing black ripped jeans with a red flannelette shirt rolled up at the sleeves over a white short sleeve plain shirt. His lower arms of tattoos showing.

A flower pattern on the back of his left wrist and a peace sign and ying yang on his fore right arm. He also has a bird on the back of his hand below his pinkie knuckle. I think his tattoos make him look hot. It adds to the bad boy look along with his spiky beard. actually it's not even a beard it is just scruff.

Both Eleanor and Louis show up hand in hand at the front gates of the school. We start walking down the street to the mall.

“So what do you have in mind?” I ask them.



So this update is so late at night because I just got back from Westfield Helensvale because I got to see Taylor Henderson!!!!!! He is so sweet. I got photos, two signed cd, a hug and a high five. OMG!!!!!!

(90% of you probably don't even know who he is. He came 2nd on X Factor last year and Jai waetford that I was talking about came 3rd and he is only 14. Taylor is 21.)

Going to Katy Perry's Prismatic tour!!!!!! On the 30th of November with @zaliitomss and @_little_directioner_

Next update date soon. Still bringing in new characters.

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Erin xx

Little Black Dress (Zerrie Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now