Chapter 25: Forever? Forever

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Perrie's POV

*4 months later*

It is near the end of the school year, I'm finally 17. I have a massive bump, only a few days left. Zayn and I was started wedding planning, although it isn't legal till next year after July 10th. We planned August next year for the wedding. Marley is seriously excited about having a sister. Although we had some names planned, we decided on naming her once we saw her face.

I lay in bed with a massive bump just trying to picture my baby, her eyes whether they will be mine or Zayn's. Her hair, whether she will have blonde or black. Whether she will look more like Zayn or me. I get interrupted when Zayn's walks in with Marley holding his hand.

"Mummy's awake." He says to Marley. I prop myself up on my elbows and Marley's come over to me. 

"Is she coming yet?" Marley asks.

"Not yet, but..." I trail off lifting her hand up and placing it on my bump. She flinchs and pulls away.

"What that?" She asks.

"That's your sister." I tell her. She places her hand back on my bump. "Zayn?" I get his attention as Marley continues to feel my bump. 

"Yeah, are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah, can you come here?" I ask him. He walks over and I give him one of my hands, so he can help me up. Marley moves out of the way then I stand up. I feel some pain in my stomach. My hand fly straight to my bump as I sit back on the bed cringing.

"Perrie?" Zayn eyes widen in shock. I have a feeling this baby is ready to come now. 

"Mummy?" Marley looks almost on the verge of tears.

"I think she is coming." I cringe. Zayn helps me back up and then helps me walk to the car followed by Marley. I feel a lot of pain as I have a contraction. Zayn gets Marley in the car then runs to get the baby bag we had packed.

"Perrie, I need you to breathe." Zayn says as he starts driving off down the road. I try to breathe as well as I can as the contraction stops. Labour pains kill. I feel another contraction start which means I haven't got long till this one arrives.

We arrive at the hospital and Zayn helps a nurse get me into a wheelchair. Zayn holds Marley's hand as they follow to the room that I get put in.

"Put this on." The nurse hands me a hospital gown. I hoble to the bathroom as Zayn and Marley, show up in the room.

"Perrie? Do you need help?" I hear Zayn ask.

"No, I'm ok." I cringe as another contraction comes. I rest on the toilet, as soon as it passes. I quickly changed into the gown. When I leave the bathroom, a nurse helps me up onto the bed. Once I'm laying down Zayn comes to sit next to me.

"Should I call your mum to pick up Marley?" He asks. I nod, because I can't seem to find my voice through the pain. He stands up kissing my cheek and taking Marley with him.


Zayn's POV

"Hello? Zayn? Is everything ok?" I hear Debbie's voice through the phone.

"Perrie is in labour." I tell her.

"Oh, do want me to be there?"

"Perrie just wants you to take Marley home."

"Sure I can do that, but I suggest letting your parents know."

"I will." I assure her.

"Bye. I'll be there soon."

"Bye." I hang up the phone and then dial to my mum.

"Hi, Zayn." I hear her chirmpy voice through the phone.

"Hi, mum." 

"What's happening?" She asks.

"Perrie is in labour, you don't need to come. I just thought you might want to know. I will call you again when the baby is born." I tell her.

"Thank you for letting us know. But call Perrie's mum first when the baby is born." She says.

"I will." I promise. "Bye mum." I say.

"Bye Zayn." I hang up the phone and wait for a couple of minutes then Debbie shows up.

"Marley." She says and hugs Marley. "Ready to go?" She ask her.

"Yeah." Marley responds.

"I'll see you later Zayn." She says and then leaves with Marley.

"Mr. Malik? Perrie wants you." A nurse comes out and says. I follow her back into the room to see Perrie all set up ready to push, her face red and sweaty from all the pain.

"It's ok babe." I sit in the chair next to her and hold her hand.

"Miss, we need you to push on three." The midwife says.

"1...2...3" Perrie screams out in pain.

"Perrie, you're doing great." I whisper to her.

"Again on three. 1...2...3" Perrie screams out again.

"I can see the head." The midwife, informs us. "Again. 1...2...3" Perrie screams again then the room is filled with a baby's cry.

"You did great, babe." I tell her, kissing her temple. Perrie relaxs and closes her eyes. The nurse takes our baby to get cleaned, before we can see her.

"God I hate you." She laughs.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that you actually love me." I say sarcastically. It dawns on me that I wouldn't even be with Perrie if I hadn't hooked up with her at that party or spotted her in the halls on the first day.

The nurse comes back with our baby wrapped in a pink blanket, Perrie reaches out and holds her close to her body.

"India Rose." I mumble.

"I like it." Perrie looks at me smiling. "Welcome to the world, India Rose." 

Perrie then hands India to me. She is so small and so perfect. I never would have thought that I would have a baby in year 12 and neither did Perrie.

"I should call our parents." I say to Perrie.

"No, I'll do it." Perrie offers so I hand her my mobile phone.

Once both sets of Parents were called, they arrived within a matter of minutes. Everyone crowded around the bed as Perrie held India in her arms.

"What's her name?" My sister, Waliyha asks.

"India Rose Malik." Perrie smiles. Marley crawls up next to Perrie to get a better look at her sister. My family is now complete. I don't think I could put Perrie through the pain of having another child again.



It's over but the epilogue will be up shortly, find out what happens to this family in 2 years time.

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Erin xx

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