Chapter 21: Belle and Bailey

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*1 Week later* 

Zayn’s POV

Things went a little wrong the night i got in and they needed to keep me for another week, so tomorrow I’m being released. Two days ago mother person was moved into the room. It is a room for two but I had it to myself. Her name is Belle. I’ve had a conversation with her. She is in hospital because she had a baby, but being super skinny and only 15, she had to have surgery to get the baby out. The wound didn’t quite heal properly.

Her baby is in a little boy named Bailey, he is tiny. I met her boyfriend well ex, James. Apparently he broke up with her when he found out she was pregnant but he was the first here when she was pulled from the birthing room. I’m surprised she wasn’t put in the maternity ward but anyways.

I always think about what the baby inside Perrie will look like whenever I see him. I know it is a girl but I still wonder if she will have blonde hair or black hair. Blue eyes or brown eyes. I think she will be cute, Marley would love a sister.

Perrie comes in everyday with Marley but obviously they both have to go to school. Jade got released the day I was supposed to and she has been in a few times. I apologised for doing this to her, even though it was Adam who actually did it. 

“Mr. Malik?” The doctor picks up my clipboard and slides his glasses back up his nose.

“Yes?” I ask.

“We have to run a few more tests now before you are released tomorrow.” He says. He places the clip board on the end of my bed and disappears to Belle’s half of the room. He comes back pushing a blood pressure tester, across the floor to my bed. He stops it next to me and wraps the arm band around my left arm. He presses a button on the machine and then the band tightens.

“Your cuts seem to be healing very well.” He places his fingers along the band-aid that is across my right eyebrow. Then the other one along my jaw line, which was cut by a ring he was wearing.

“Are you still feeling pain?” He asks me.

“No, I feel fine.” It is basically the truth. It is a white lie.

“A nurse will be in shortly.” He hangs the clip board back up on the wall and goes to Belle’s bed.  I pick up my phone to see that Niall has been texting me. 

From Niall:

I think I left my wallet there. Is it there?

To Niall:

I’ll have a look.

I type. I place my phone on the bedside and now that I am not on a drip, I get out of bed-still in the ridiculous hospital gown and I walk over to the arm chair where Niall was sitting. I push my hands down the side, only to pull out his wallet. He is so smart, haha I laugh at the sarcasm in that.

“Zayn?” I hear Perrie’s sweet voice. She enters the room greeting the doctor and Belle on the way.

“Hey.” I wrap my arms around her waist.

“What are you doing?” She asks a little worried, she has a slight smirk on her face as well though.

“Niall left his wallet here.” I hold up his wallet to show her. “What are you smirking about?” I ask her.

“Remember hospital gowns are open at the back.” She snickers.

“Oh, ha, yeah.” I laugh at my self. I only have boxers under this hospital gown. “Although you enjoyed it.” I whisper to her as I hear the door close. The doctor just left. Perrie hits me in the chest then goes over to Belle.

“Hey. How are you?” She asks Belle. 

“I get to go home tomorrow with this little guy.” She plays with Bailey’s tiny fingers.

“Is James coming back in tonight?” Perrie asks her. She met him too, when he was last here. 

“Yeah he should be here soon. I think his parents are coming meet their grandson too.” Belle Tells us. Marley then comes skipping in with her hand firming in Niall’s, he is probably here for his wallet.

“Daddy!” She runs to me. I open my arms and lift her up, resting her on my hip. 

“How was your day? I ask her. 

“Good.” She smiles. I put her down and she sits down on the armchair with my phone. 

“Hey mate. Here is your wallet.” I had the small leather wallet to Niall.

“Cheers mate.” He smiles, excepting it.

“Do you want to hold him?” Belle asks Perrie. She nods her head and excepts Bailey. She cradles him in her arms, as if he was her own. I think Perrie would like a boy, but it’s a girl. I have thought of different names that I will tell her later. 

“Your great with kids.” Belle says to Perrie.

“Well when you have a 4 year old and your expecting… you kind of need to know these things.” Perrie laughs, quietly trying not to disturb Bailey.

“So is Marley yours? You would have been like 12 or 13.” Belle says. I look over at Marley and she isn’t paying attention so Perrie continues.

“We adopted her about 3 months ago. Her parents died.” Perrie says.

“That is so sad.” Belle says as Perrie hands Bailey back to her.

“Well she has a good home now.” Belle lightens the mood a little. We all turn to the door when we hear it being opened. It’s just James.

Perrie’s POV

“That is so sad.” Belle says. I hand Bailey back to her, as she continues to talk. “We she has a good home now.” She smiles at us. Niall waves and leaves as someone else comes in. Oh it’s James.

“Bailey. Daddy is here.” Belle says to the little boy in her arms. Belle hands him over to James as a middle aged couple walks in.

“Oh hello.” The lady says to us.

“Hi.” We smile back.

“It is nice to see you Belle.” She kisses Belle’s cheek as the man stand next to her.

“You too, Mary. And you Mark.” She turns to the man.

“You talk we will be next door.” I walk back to Zayn’s bed and then he pulls the curtain shut. I hear a bit of their convocation that says something to o with “are you two back together and then a yes was replied. I guess a baby can bring people together.



So we met Belle, James and little Bailey. Zayn and Belle are out of hospital tomorrow. Belle will robably be in the rest of the book now :)

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Erin xx

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