Chapter 14: Are you ok?

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“TELL ME WHAT I DID?” The familiar male voice yells back.

“YOU CHEATED!” She yells. I still can’t see the two fighting because of the crowd around them. Jade and I finally get through to see…

Perrie’s POV 

Liam and Danielle. Liam wouldn’t cheat on her would he? Surely it is a misunderstanding. The crowd eventually disappears leaving Liam hugging Danielle who is in tears. I see that the only people crowded around is our group. 

“Dani, where did you get that idea?” Liam says calmly, trying not to set her off again. We should give them their space so we all walk off the cafeteria. I hug Zayn for no reason. Maybe because that was the worst fight I have ever seen between a couple.

“Come on Pezz.” Jade says as the first bell went.

“Give me a minute.” I say. My phone rang, it was my mum.

“Hello?” I say.

“Perrie. I’m home now. I’m really sorry for walking out.”

“It’s ok. You were already dealing with a lot.”

“Yeah. Well, I’ll let you get to class now.” I can hear her smile on the other side of the line.

“Alright. Bye mum. I love you.” I say hanging up the phone and joining Jade. 

“Hey, Perrie what happened to the slut everyone loved?” Matt, one of the jocks I dated said.

“Maybe she grew up.” I snarl back.

“Grew up? That’s a joke.” He laughs. “Everyone knows you and Zayn hooked up before you dated him.”

“Piss off.” I growl.

“Fiesty.” He laughs at me. “Not such a little girl anymore.” He makes a fake putting face.

“No I’m not. Now good bye.” I try to walk past him but he steps in front of me.

“Where do you think you’re going? We aren’t finished yet.” He says

“Yes we are.” I go to walk past him. Jade is probably wondering where I am.

“This has only just started.” He gives an evil laugh then I feel myself being pushed into a locker.

“Matt, get off me.” I try to push him off.

“Not yet honey.” I feel his lips on mine. I try my hardest to push him off. I punch him in the stomach but he just laughs whilst continuing to kiss me. I feel him ripped off of me. Then to see Zayn tackle him to the ground. My hero, as they would say in those sappy romance movies. I leave the boys to battle it out, I find Jade waiting at my locker.

“What happened?” She asks worried.

“Not much. Matt kissed me.” I say bluntly getting out my books.

“What about Zayn?” She asks shocked.

“Oh, he has Matt pinned on the ground right now. My hero.” I say the last part sarcastically.

“Wait I’m confused. Did you want to kiss Matt?” She asks.

“No, he slammed me against the locker.” I say closing my locker. 

“Are you ok now? I mean…” She trails of with her eyes looking to my belly.

“Yes we are both fine.” I whisper.

We are just about to the classroom when I feel to arms behind me. I turn to see Zayn.

“Are you ok?” He asks.

Little Black Dress (Zerrie Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now