Chapter 8: Staying Strong

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Today is the Last day of the term, now we get a 2 week holiday for easter!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!



Perrie’s POV

Zayn dropped my home after we went shopping. I didn’t get much, just a new phone case and a shirt. I sit in my room on the floor trying to hold back the feeling of throwing up. I can feel it coming but I’m trying to prevent it by breathing and swallowing. I doesn’t seem to be working. Oh and there it comes. I sprint to the bathroom and once again throw up.

I think I’m just sick. If it turns out that I’m pregnant my mum would kill me, Jonnie would be disappointed and because I’ve only dated Zayn for 4 days he would probably leave. That can’t be the reason, can it? I know it was un protected and I wasn’t on the pill but I’m still hoping that I’m not pregnant. I’ll wait for more signs like missing my period. 

I wash out my mouth and go back to my bedroom. I crawl under the sheets and close my eyes. I know I need to talk to Jade about it. I need to get a test and then I have to talk to my mum. Zayn doesn’t need to know unless the test says positive. Even then I have no idea how to break it to him, that we were unprotected and I’m possibly pregnant.

“Perrie. Dinner.” My mum calls.

“I’m not hungry.” I reply.

“Are you just going to go to bed?” She asks.

“Yeah. Night.” I close my eyes once again.

“Night.” She closes my door and leaves. I feel tired, but my stomach is still a little upset. I soon start to feel my eyes lids become heavy and sleep takes over my body. 


I wake up to an urge to throw up again. I sprint down the hall and to the bathroom. I really need to talk to Jade. I don’t even want to go to school today. I know it’s friday but my stomach is killing me.Even after it has been emptied. I get up off the floor and rinse my mouth out, now I need to call Jade. I walk back to my bedroom, my mum not stopping me this time. I pick up my phone and dial Jade’s number.

“Hey Pezz”

“Hey Jade.”

“What’s up?”

“Well every morning I’ve been throwing up. You know how when we talked on tuesday and you said to use protection? Yeah well it is kind of to late for that. At the party Zayn and I didn’t have protection.”

“Oh my god Pezz.”

“Now I have a terrible feeling that I’m pregnant.”

“Do you need me to get a test for you?”

“No, I’ll wait and see if I miss my period then I’ll get a test.”

“Ok. Are you coming to school?”

“I don’t want to. But I probably will.”

“I’ll see then.”

“Bye Jadey.”

“Bye Pezz.” I hang up the phone and put it back on the table. I change into some comfortable clothes but still fashionable for school. A short jumpsuit is enough. I add my favourite necklace and bracelets. I let my hair out so it flows naturally then I do a thin layer of make-up.

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