Chapter 24: I Don't Know

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 Zayn's POV

“I know we haven’t been together very long and we already had to deal with some unexpected things in a short amount of time. Sort of like the whether. We think one storm has pasted but another one is on the horizon. Which is why I’m sure about the way I feel for you. As long as I have you.” I get down on one knee still holding her hands and I see her eyes water. 

“No one has ever made me feel as loved and as safe as you do. If you let me, i’d like to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you’ve made me.” I pause to pull the ring out. I open the box and her hands cover her mouth as she silently cries. “Perrie Louise Edwards, will you marry me?” I wait for her answer holding the ring in the box as she gasps and cries. 


Perrie's POV

He just asked me to marry him. I'm 16 for crying out loud, although he is the father of both my children, even though Marley isn't biologicaly ours. I love him, I really do but we are so young and careless, is it really the best thing to be doing. I can't just leave him hanging. I need to make a definative answer now.

"Zayn, I- I. Yes." I nod my head still having tears pouring down my face. A grin appears on Zayn's face as he stands up and slides the ring onto my finger. It is beautiful with three diamonds and then a band with diamonds in it. So pretty.

"I know it is sudden but-" I cut him off with my lips on his. He doesn't need to say anything. I'm happy and I love him. I'm just grateful that he didn't get up and leave when I told him that I was having his child, or that he didn't leave under the pressure of having 1 child with another on the way.

"No words are needed." I tell him, then we go bac to our heated make out session. After a while of batteling tougnes we are both out of breath. We both collapse on the couch, me huddled in Zayn's arms.

"I'm glad you said yes." He smiles. I smile back at him before snuggling into the crook of his neck. "You don't think it is to soon?" He then asks.

"No, I think our children need two parents that are together." I tell him.

"We sound like 30 year olds, when it comes to the kids." Zayn says, causing me to laugh.

"What do you want to do now?" He asks.

"Movies are really good when it is pouring rain out side." I mention.

"What about the classical Lion King?" He suggests. 

"Sure, but do we need to call parents or anything about the engagement?"I ask him.

"Well, I already asked your parents and my parents, so we could atleast tell them that you said yes." So my parents knew and so did his. I'm surprised they let him because we are still in year 12, but then if we didn't have children or one on the way, i doubt that Zayn would have wanted to propose.

"We should wait to tell our friends till Monday." I say.

"Well let's get calling then we'll watch the Lion King." Zayn pulls out his phone and calls his parents and puts it on speaker.

"Hello?" It sounds like Waliyha.

"Hey, Waliyha it's Zayn. Can you get everyone around the phone please?"

"Sure." I hear some rustling and then there is all different voices saying 'Hey, Zayn.'

"Perrie is next to me." Zayn tells them

"And?" Trisha asks.

"I said yes." I say into the phone.

"Congradulations." Everyone on the other end says at the same time.

"We have to go now. We have to call Perrie's family." Zayn says.

"Ok, bye Zayn, bye Perrie." And with that we hung up and then dialled my mum's number. She has Marley for the night, I didn't think she would have known she didn't sound like she knew when I talked to her yesterday but according to Zayn he planned this a month in advance.

"Hello? Zayn?" 

"Hey Debbie."

"Hey mum." I say.

"And? How did it go?" She asks.

"She said yes." Zayn says.

"I'm so happy for you two. Congradulations." She says. "Do you want to speak to Marley?"

"Sure." Zayn and I both say.

"Marley?" I hear called from the otherside of the phone.


"Hey Marley." Zayn says


"Yeah, it's me and mum is here too."

"Hey Marley." I say.

"Hi, mummy."

"What are you up to?" Zayn asks.

"Watching Frozen." She says.

"Is it good?" I ask. I heard that it is a good movie.


"Guess what?" Zayn says, then looks at me for confirmation.


"Mummy and Daddy are getting married." Zayn says.


"Yeah, but we will let you go watch frozen now."

"Bye. I love you." She says.

"Bye. See you tomorrow." We say.

We hung up the phone then Zayn gets up and pulls the Lion King out. He places it in the DVD player and turns the TV on. He comes and sits back on the couch, opening his arms so I can snuggle closer to him.


I wake up in bed, naked, with really sore legs. I then realise what happened, seeing Zayn shirtless next to me. The doctor told us that it wouldn't be harmful to the baby to have sex and then basically last night after all the happiness of the enagement and watching the Lion King. We took it a little far and ended up naked in bed. 

I slighty move a bit so I can pick up Zayn's shirt off the floor. I slip it over my head and then stick my arms through it. I turn my head to see that Zayn is lying on his side looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask him.

"Because you're beautiful." He says in his raspy morning voice. (A/N Sorry I had to quote TFIOS.)

"Come on, let's get up." I poke his shoulder. I stand up and then grip te window frame for support since my legs are shaky.

"Wow. I do have that effect." Zayn smirks.

"Shut up. I'm already carrying your baby." I roll my eyes. I head to the bathroom, so I can shower.

"Can I join you?" I hear Zayn call.

"Fine. What ever." I hear him jump out of bed and then soon I am met with him in the bathroom, naked.


After showering, we head down stairs to get breakfast. Eggs and bacon sounds really good right now. Zayn gets out the eggs and the pans to cook, he let's me sit at the bench and watch. After complaining to him that I was pregnant and needed rest and that my legs hurt, he finally gave in.



The next Update is the last chater but after it I will have the epilogue. Then I will get Zerrie's Wild Wild love back up on wattpad. Since I promised it would be started in June.

Who else is going to One Direction??? I'm going to the On The Road Again tour on the 11th of Feb in Brisbane at Suncorp Stadium. B reserve, Section 310, Row 5. 

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Erin xx

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