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Tyler's POV

I was taken down a dark hall and through several doors, till we finally reached a room that was dark. There was only one light and it was pointed toward a stage.

They walked me toward the back of the stage and I saw more girls. Some younger than me and some older.

The youngest looked at least 13. She was wearing grey. Does that mean she's not a virgin?

I pushed the thought aside and tried seeing the men's faces in the seats, but some how I couldn't they were in a separate room with tented windows.

There were only 3 girls in front of me. One was a younger girl and she had a red dress on.

I watched a tear slip down her terrified face.

I knew if I talked to her I would never forgive myself when I had to watch her leave.

But it hurt so much already watching her have to go through this pain.

"Shaley Michaels, 13 years old good at soft ball and from New York, New York.

Starting bid 500.








2500 going once, twice, sold to number 234."

I watched the girl be carried away by a large man into the blocked out room.

"Tyler Grey, 17 years old, captain of a soccer team from Syracuse, New York.

Starting bid 500.










5.5 million dollars!

Going once, going twice and Sold to number 2738."

I was walked into the strange room where I saw many men and girls. I saw the twelve year old girl and she was crying.

The man that had bought her was an old pervert. I hope that he treat her ok.

I was taken to a table that had a man with beautiful hazel eyes, dark brown hair and the most amazing features.

He told me to sit on his lap and I did so.

"You wanna get out of here?" He whispered from behind me.

My heart rate grew as I slowly nodded.

He smirked and I stood up. He grabbed my hand and took me out of the building. For me to see that it was now dark out.

He held my hand and lead me to, god knows where.

My feet started to get cut by broken glass that happened to he on the ground. The man had felt me wincing and grabbing tighter on his hand that he turned around.

He looked at me with anger and confusion then looking down at my feet seeing I had bare feet.

He picked me up bridal style like I was nothing and carried me to a car. We climbed into the back as his driver I'm assuming drove us "home".

"Let me see your feet." He said. His voice was perfect. It was deep but smooth and soothing.

He looked at me in the eyes and he looked like he was getting mad.

I then registered what he said and gave him my foot and I lied against the door.

"Sam take us home quickly."

Sam I'm assuming sped a little quicker down the road ahead.

We were in the car awhile and I fell asleep.

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